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Conway Asks: Why Do You Believe What Trump Says ‘Rather Than What’s in His Heart’?
(01-13-2017, 09:26 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I won't disagree that it was an effective talking point and campaign, but do you really think political correctness is one of the biggest threats facing our country?
To a point, I think it is. PC and the thing politics in America has devolved into are, IMO, the thing that prevents us from fixing a lot of the legitimate issues that we face as a nation. Instead of worrying about what pronouns to use, instead of worrying about who is offended, instead of calling all Democrats or Republicans deplorable, rapist criminals, how about we all come TOGETHER to solve issues? 
Nope. We, as a nation, are more concerned with being correct in our arguments and proving the other side wrong or at the least, proving the other side are insensitive jerks. Heck, trying to even point out that it's an issue that "both sides" are in the wrong only brings people out trying to prove that the other side is worse. Think about it: what were the main reasons why Trump should not have been president? Most were that he was a racist, sexist, xenophobe, etc. etc. Very few arguments about how his ideas or plans or the actions he's taken as a businessman. And it was basically the same with Hillary.
How many issues would we have right now, if we could just come together and recognize we have different ways of reaching the same goal? Instead of demonizing those different ideas, how about working TOGETHER for the common goal?
I know it's a pipe dream, but still, one can hope.
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RE: Conway Asks: Why Do You Believe What Trump Says ‘Rather Than What’s in His Heart’? - PhilHos - 01-17-2017, 02:00 PM

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