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Inauguration Day - My public thoughts
Posted publicly to my Facebook page this morning:  1/20/17

Quote:Congratulations to President Trump.

(Stick with me here.)

Mr. Trump did something only very few have ever done...convinced enough people in the right places that his ideas are better than someone else's and got elected to the highest seat in the land.

That is an accomplishment whether I like him or you like him or whether he is successful or not.

And I hope he *IS* successful.

I hope that he does what is best for the country. Realizing that you cannot make everyone happy nor can you make everyone great. I hope that his plans, in whatever form they finally get enacted) result in better living conditions for Americans and do not hurt other Americans in the process.

[Note: I will not "pray" for him to do the right thing or the best thing or anything because 1) I don't think he cares about it and 2) If he did care about it it would already be being done.]

Today is not the end of the world.

No more than it was the end of the world when gay people got the same right the rest of us had already to marry the one the love.

No more than on 9/11 when we all came together for a common cause.

No more than at any other time in our history when there was strife and division among the people and our leaders.

Today is the first half day of the next administration to lead the United States of America.

Mr. Trump now has more responsibility that he ever had running a company or producing a television show or even starring on it. His actions will have real consequences for more people than he has ever hired or fired. I hope he is up to the task and I hope that in the end we are better than we were before.

That does not mean there will not be criticism. That does not mean there will not be jokes. That means he will be watched and held to the same standards as others who held that office.

We the people will decide how long that administration continues and we the people will decide if we like the direction the administration takes us as a country.

As I often tell you: Do not be afraid.

Be vigilant. Be aware. Be prepared. But do not be afraid.

For his supporters: Enjoy the day.

For his detractors: If you cannot stand to watch, don't.

For President Trump: Both groups will be listening to what you say and watching what you do. And you will be held as accountable as every other man who took that same oath.

Do well. Do right.

Not everyone will get what they want. Not everyone will be happy.

But we can do this without everyone being angry and without everyone pointing fingers and calling names and demeaning the other side.

Having some civility would be a good change in the country. That will have to start at the top AND the bottom.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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Inauguration Day - My public thoughts - GMDino - 01-20-2017, 10:31 AM

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