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Hey look, it's a climate change thread!
(01-15-2017, 06:30 AM)hollodero Wrote: Climate models are tough to come by. We do not fully understand the climatic effets or the carbon cycle, let alone possible amplification processes. The lessened albedo is pretty much settled as an amplification, I'd guess (a warmer planet contains less ice surfaces, hence less sunlight gets reflected, hence additiional warming effects) - we know about that one because it also works the other way round and played a major part in coolings /ice ages. How the forming of clouds factor in is hard to debate. We are at a point where we can somehow predict the weather for a few days, but that's about it. So, limited possibilities, sure. Folks work on that..

Lot of good points that I'll try to address when I have more time.

Don't mean to cherry pick, but the above we pretty much agree on.  Pardon the expression, but you think it's "the whole iceberg" while I'm saying it's just the tip.  There's simply too much they don't understand to have confidence in their catastrophic predictions, which have been routinely wrong, and alarmist fixes. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hey look, it's a climate change thread! - JustWinBaby - 01-21-2017, 06:35 AM

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