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Hey look, it's a climate change thread!
(01-20-2017, 03:03 PM)masterpanthera_t Wrote: Thanks for the links.  I will check out NASA's position, but for now, this seems to be a very credible argument in favor of scientific consensus on climate change.  

I'd be right with you guys, if I hadn't seen the exact same thing happening with ETS (second hand smoke) a decade ago.

Not to derail the thread, so let me say I won't respond to ETS.....but I'm not a smoker and certainly didn't like smoke in the bars, but intuitively ETS sounded like bullshit (and as a libertarian I'd defend the property rights).

I read dozens of studies in articles linking the risk.  They were all garbage.  ONE - one study I found -  major study showed a significant benefit.  I only ever saw one GOOD study showing an elevated risk (one that factored in all health outcomes).  I thought, early on, it was an agenda to reduce healthcare costs by reducing smoking by taking away opportunities.  Toward the end, a few politicians admitted exactly that. Basically "yeah, we lied, but if was for a good reason"

So I've already seen junk "science" used as a political agenda.  Extraordinary claims should require extraordinary there's something very wrong when good science, in that regard, is labeled "denial" in an effort to dismiss valid questions about questionable science.

I've had this argument many times with friends, colleagues and co-workers.  And the one commonality is none of them have ever read a single study or have a background in training or research.   They are sheeple.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hey look, it's a climate change thread! - JustWinBaby - 01-21-2017, 07:43 AM

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