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National Stats during Obama Admin
(01-21-2017, 07:55 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Say what you mean. Do you condone or agree with the comparison of Trump to Hitler or are you just pointing out what others may say when they compare Trump to a man the was responsible for the extermination of millions?

I said what I mean.

I mean: 1) we ought to check whether and how well the words apply to whatever they are describing before complaining they have been applied.

And  2) We may learn something from history if we examine it closely before seeing only partisan "name-calling" whenever an historical analogy is invoked.

If someone said Trump is like Hitler because Trump is responsible for the extermination of millions, I would want to see the evidence, as I am aware of no such extermination. If there is no evidence, I would call the assertion a lie.

If someone asserted a connection between authoritarianism, militarism, the hatred of liberals and immigrants, and the extermination of millions, I would agree that there is a connection in the case of Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and many other lesser genocides. There are people with such traits in all countries, but they are usually blocked by traditional and/or liberal institutions and only gain power during perceived or real crises. These are not desirable traits in a US leader, and should be criticized in whomever they appear.

If someone asserts an analogy between Trump (or any US politician) and Hitler on some point of undesirable behavior or policy, then I would check to see whether the analogy fits before pronouncing it simply partisan vindictiveness. If it doesn't fit then I would condemn both the analogy and the act of making it. But if it does fit then I would not waste time complaining the analogy was made or denying it,and suggest, rather, that Mr. Trump alter his behavior or change the policy in question. When he does, the analogies will disappear.

Same if the analogy is made to a politician I support. E.g., if Elizabeth Warren declared herself "militaristic" and ready to steal Iraqi oil, torture insurgents, deport Dreamers and ban Muslim immigration, I would not yell "partisan" if someone compared her to Hitler. I would if she were compared to Hitler for demanding health care for children of illegal immigrants.

We are living in a post-truth era now, but I intend to swim against the current.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: National Stats during Obama Admin - Dill - 01-22-2017, 04:19 AM

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