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Trumps Immigration Executive Order
(01-30-2017, 11:12 PM)6andcounting Wrote: Blow back is real and you're not wrong, but the idea that "we temporarily banned populations with a high propensity of people carrying out terrorism, and that made them want to bomb us" seems to support banning them in the first place.

No it doesn't, and here is why:



Gun violence - Americans being killed by Americans, at work and at home
About 400 people per year, or about 5,000 people since the 9/11 attacks, are gunned down in the place they work.  Also, on average, there are 32 gun homicides each day in the U.S. (read).

Alzheimer's Disease and the Real Threat to Americans
- Alzheimer's killed 83,308 Americans in 2010 (read).  Terrorism killed 0 Americans in 2010.
- The U.S. government spent about $0.5 billion on Alzheimer's and related dementia research in 2011 (read).  The U.S. government spends about 2,000 times that amount on military and homeland security.

Legal prescription painkillers kill an estimated 2 people every hour and send 40 more to emergency rooms with life-threatening overdoses (read).

If the government were truly concerned about the possibility of Americans getting killed, then what are they doing about the things that actually kill Americans - see above graph, plus these:
  • "An estimated 15,000 Medicare patients die each month in part because of care they receive in the hospital, says a government study" (read)
  • "Drivers distracted by talking or texting on cell phones killed an estimated 16,000 people from 2001 to 2007" (read)

Airport full-body scanners, invasive pat-downs and The REAL Threat to Americans
Americans are being told they may have to submit to either a full-body scan or invasive pat-down before boarding a flight, otherwise they will not be allowed to fly, will be fined, detained, and possible tried as a terrorist (read).  Obama stands by these controversial air security screening methods - saying body scans and pat-downs are necessary (read).
  • Two things come to mind:
1) "Terrorists" are not likely to target airplanes for an attack, given the security measures in place.  Softer targets such as airport parking garages, or baggage claim areas that have no screening methods would be more likely targets.  NASCAR races, state fairs, football stadiums, among other places would be more accessible if there were actually someone trying to kill Americans. 
2) If the U.S. were really concerned about people wanting to kill Americans here, they would stop bombing and killing people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen and Somalia.
  • The Department of Homeland Security says full-body imaging is aimed at prevention. If so, why do passengers on the 15,000 U.S. registered business aircraft escape screening? (read).  We know why, because it's a hoax - a way to keep Americans scared so they approve of endless wars, torture and the smashing of our civil liberties, all the while the Pentagon and Homeland Security budgets get inflated and a lot of rich people make even more money.  As the ACLU said, "You shouldn't have to check your rights when you check your luggage."
*Sources  (Figures based on 10 year estimates)

(1) Smoking related deaths:  443,000/year due to cigarette smoking (read) and 49,400/year due to second hand smoke (read). Note: an estimated 600,000 people worldwide die annually due to second hand smoke (read).

(2) Obesity related deaths: 300,000/year (read)

(3) Deaths from medical mistakes: 225,000/year (read)

(4) Deaths due to lack of health care: 101,000/year (read)

(5) Americans murdered by other Americans: 16,500/year (read)

(6) Drunk driving deaths: 11,773/year (read)

(7) Pedestrians killed by automobiles: 4,300/year (read)

(8) Deaths on Sept. 11 (read)

I know, I know, it only covers the decade from 2000-2009. You got me there! We all know the great strides made in reducing deaths in the first 7 categories since then. And of course, September 11 was just the beginning of the reign of terrorism in the US. I mean, yeah, it get off to a slow start until 2009, but from 2010 until today foreign terrorists have killed so many more on US soil than they did in that singular attack. Sarcasm 

OK, for those still certain ISIS (or ISIL as our former secret Muslim president called it) is a major threat, here's your chance to prove it! Post your body count from 2010-today. How many American's have been killed by foreign terrorists in the US during that time frame? You may begin your research at your leisure, but we are all waiting for you to blow us away with your evidence.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.

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RE: Trumps Immigration Executive Order - xxlt - 01-31-2017, 09:09 AM

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