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Trumps Immigration Executive Order
(01-31-2017, 09:33 AM)6andcounting Wrote: I read through all of it, what argument are you trying to support with this information?

OK, I am sure you got it by now.

For those who didn't, here's the logic argument.

You said that if the ban pisses people off that kind of supports the ban in the first place. Well, that is wrong. I will explain it another way for those who still don't see it. (Helpful hint: this is a hypothetical scenario: the characters in it are not really sixandcounting and his wife.)


You have a neighbor. You think maybe he doesn't like you, but you aren't sure. You're wife says, "Six, go over and kick him in the balls." You say, "Why?" She says, "I think maybe he doesn't like you." You say, "Well yeah, but if I kick him in the balls isn't it possible that will really piss him off? I mean. he might kick me in the balls, punch me in the face, he might even try to kill me and you to." She says, "If he does any of that, it just proves he deserved to be kicked in the balls."

Now, if you agree with your wife's position, the next time you are driving through the neighborhood and see a neighbor who you don't know, I want you to pull over, get out, walk over and kick him in the balls. If you don't agree with your wife's position then you may want to consider whether the 90 day travel ban (hint: it is the represented by the kicking a stranger in the balls in the above scenario) makes sense.

This concludes the logic portion of the presentation. BTW, I fully expect at least one poster to come in and comment about how I will just say anything to win a point and I am an asshole. This sort of analysis and praise makes me feel cherished and terrific. I mean, it is really really great when people say things like that. They're just grrrrrrreat!

Now, on to math!

(Hint, this is another hypothetical scenario - not really about sixandcouting and his home. And remember, these illustrations are for the people who couldn't figure it out, not for six. I know he done got it.)


You were homeless, but great news. Uncle Geronimo, who was a paratrooper in WWII and killed Nazis at rate exceeded only by the rate at which Paris Hilton makes herself look like a skank, has remembered you in his will. America didn't take great care of vets like Geronimo, but he was able to own his own home free and clear the day he died in a VA hospital, and he left that home to you! You've lived there for two years now, and you are getting by which is the good news, but you can't afford to move and are on a tight budget. Now the bad news. Chez Geronimo, as you proudly call the place, is in a crime infested community. I mean, bad. You are surrounded by one million criminals, and their preferred crime is burglary. You are committed to keeping the modest things you have worked for, but you have a problem. Geronimo grew up in a different America and never had a lock on the front door. The place was cleaned out when he was in the VA, but at least you inherited a habitable - though empty when you moved in - house. You have been saving, and say to yourself, "Six, it is time to beef up security at Chez Geronimo."

You take the $20 you budgeted for home security down to Sobchak Home Security and ask the proprietor, Walter, what the best way to spend your $20 is to protect your home. You tell him you wish you had more, but it is all you can afford and you know burglary is a serious threat in this town. Sobchak notes when you share your burglary concerns that he is familiar with the old Geronimo place. He also tells you that within the million burglars prowling your community there is one who is a ninja and only enters homes through chimneys. The others target doors, particularly ones with no lock or low grade locks. So far, you've beaten the odds but you are glad you can take action now. So, says Walter, I can ninja proof your home buy putting a cap on your chimney for $20, or for $20 I have a lock that no burglar can defeat and I will install this lock on door. It will do the job of keeping the other 999,999 burglars out of your home. The question is, would you go for the chimney cap to eliminate the ninja threat or the lock to neutralize the other 999,999 threats to your home?

(Hint: when doing threat assessments and cost benefit analysis most people use math.)

So, if you'd buy the lock you might also advocate for budgeting money to fight things that are real threats to Americans lives. If you would go ninja proofing, math doesn't really support the decision, and it might also seem like a good idea to you to spend time, treasure, and talent fighting - or pretending to fight - a non-existent (or extremely small) threat to American lives.

This concludes the math portion of the presentation.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.

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RE: Trumps Immigration Executive Order - xxlt - 01-31-2017, 10:29 AM

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