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Anybody grow up with a future pro?
As a kid in Cincinnati, the Walnut Hills / Evanston Area, there were some really good athletes I grew up with. There was this one kind of skinny, tall kid who didn't say much and when they played school yard basketball, a lot of the guys would kind of punk this dude out and run rough shot over him on the court. I never thought he was that good but he kept doing a lot of the right things and kept himself involved in AAU and programs like that. I wont say we were friends but we did know each other..Fast forward about 6 years from that point and I see him playing on TV in the NBA..

His name??

Tyrone Hill

I have two nieces who went to High School with O.J. Mayo and they said that he was dumb as a rock but could play some basketball.

Messages In This Thread
Anybody grow up with a future pro? - McC - 01-04-2017, 04:11 PM
RE: Anybody grow up with a future pro? - Air Force 1 - 02-08-2017, 10:22 AM

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