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GOP votes to end only fed agency that ensures voting machines can't be hacked
(02-08-2017, 07:47 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: So in other words, people are just throwing out the word hacking because it is currently a scary buzzword, but they really don't understand it? Reminds me of how a program called BleachBit turned into actual bleach. Lol

"It's technological, thus it must be able to be hacked by people in Russia!"
pretty much. As I've said before, you can definitely have voter fraud. But it requires nearly everyone involved (including from two parties) all the way from the site up to the state regulators to be involved.

outside of the basic ways (fake id cards, voting on behalf of the dead or incapacitated, etc). But the idea that some guy is punching a few keys and deciding the presidency is unrealistic.
(02-08-2017, 08:02 PM)Yojimbo Wrote: Most machines have a USB or smart card reader and that's how they can be hacked. Bring in your own thumb drive with malware and you can vote as many times as you like or make it so everybody's vote goes to the same person regardless of who they select.

There's about a billion YouTube videos on how to do it.

there's also several hundred different machines and several thousand sites. Can machines be manipulated? Sure, given enough time and resources you can break any machine or code. But, again, its unlikely it has much of an impact given the differences in machines from one district to the next.

for a frame of reference, the last county I covered in November has around 30 machines. I was talking to the county clerk about the delay on some of the ballots and she mentioned there were 5 different kinds (that's counting paper, so 4 machines) just in that small district.

for the time and resources you'd have to have to effect millions of votes, you be better off forming a super pac and calling the candidate a gun hating liberal.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: GOP votes to end only fed agency that ensures voting machines can't be hacked - Benton - 02-09-2017, 02:11 AM

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