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Does Lying Matter? If So, How Much?
(02-07-2017, 09:48 PM)BoomerFan Wrote: I think I've seen this movie. Waterston re-unites with his old fried Trump but it ends terribly for Trump.


But seriously, I think lying is an issue and we really should talk about who is credible and who isn't. I would love for kids to all have to take critical thinking classes while in school as understanding what makes for a credible source is very important. And I do think we should challenge people who are mendacious and spread lies. Assuming you are in an appropriate forum.

I understand the concern of giving them an even bigger voice but the fact is, ignoring a lie won't make it go away. You should challenge lies when they are told regarding issues of consequence, such as holocaust denial, or else people will begin to believe those lies even more and they will spread.

Heard a snippet of a nationally broadcast interview today where the host said, "Trump has repeatedly called Putin 'a good and strong leader." The Trump advocate/surrogate (not sure who the guy was, but clearly pro Tiger) said, "He never said that," about ten times. The host said, "I can play you 16 audio clips of Trump saying those exact words," and the response was, "Well, we will just have to agree to disagree." At this point, there should be someone who comes and puts you in a stockade and everyone throws vegetables at you.

So there ^ is a link from communist rag and suspect source "Business Insider," confirming on at least one occassion way back in September of last year Trump praised Putin as a strong leader, stronger than Obama.

This search: Trump calls Putin a good leader

returned over 20 million results, btw. 

Now I will say that if the interviewer can't produce 16 audio clips of unique occasions of Trump saying Putin is a good leader or a strong leader or a good and strong leader he should go in the stockades too. If he said it once, say he said it once, or better yet, just play the audio (one clip or sixteen) and then say, "Now, let's talk about why that is a problem or how it is making America grrrrrreat! again. 

I saw a lot of stuff about Trump explaining what he meant when he praised Putin on this (and/or other?) occasions. But the Trump supporter wasn't arguing what Trump meant. He denied that Trump ever called Putin a good leader or a strong leader or a good and strong leader. So, 100% he belongs in stockade. 

Trump apparently, according to video I saw of Trump himself explaining what he meant, didn't mean Putin was a strong leader when he called him that. What he meant was he is a colossal *****, just not as big a ***** as Obama, and that if Trump ever got into a position of power he would show you what a real stroing man looks like. 

And that is just grrrrrrreat! 
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.

Messages In This Thread
Does Lying Matter? If So, How Much? - xxlt - 02-01-2017, 09:35 AM
RE: Does Lying Matter? If So, How Much? - xxlt - 02-09-2017, 03:53 PM

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