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And now we know the underlying reason..
(02-11-2017, 07:55 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: ..for all of the "climate change" propaganda.

So, there it is.  It's all a scam to manipulate the Worldwide economic development model.  Can hardly wait to see what our resident gallery of climate change apologists have to say about this.

Sunset, I need a little help with this.

What I hear the climate scientists saying is that because of the potentially disastrous effects of climate change, we need to change the way we extract and burn carbons for energy.

I.e., climate change science drives their energy policy.

What I hear you and West saying is that climate scientists want to change the way the economy works so they invented a scary story about global warming.

I.e., desired energy policy drives their climate change science.  

How does stating the policy reconsideration that ought to follow what science tells us about climate change suddenly flip the cause/effect relation here? You are saying that climate scientists from many different nationalities and social/political have for generations been trying to change our politics with their scary story and now one has suddenly "slipped"? The cat is out of the bag?

You also state:

However, if you look around the glorious internet, you will find that many of these "scientists" are fabricating data, based on "projections".  A few of them have come to acknowledge the error of their fraudulent ways, and spill the beans. 

Could you perhaps provide some links to your sources here?

I confess I often do look around the internet, but I don't find reliable links to "scientists" fabricating data based upon "projections." Though I do find non-scientists of a certain political persuasion claiming this. And I do find the extraction industry funding "counter-science" to muddy the policy discussion.

Check out this 1998 memo from Joe Walker, who headed Exxon Mobil's task force on global climate change, a public relations blitz designed to convince journalists, politicians, HS science teachers, and the public that the jury was still out on climate change and so Kyoto style policy changes should be avoided.

And all this AFTER Exxonmobile knew, from its own research, that climate change was anthropogenic.

Is it your view that scientists have an "agenda" while Exxon and BP are just ordinary folks who want to provide jobs for hardworking Americans if the socialists will just get out of their way?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: And now we know the underlying reason.. - Dill - 02-12-2017, 02:54 PM

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