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What is the End Game for the left?
(02-14-2017, 05:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I constantly see here and Nationally extreme vetting going on in regards to Trump and his nominees. Some of it warranted, some of it frivolous. This has led me to wonder: What exactly does the left (insert any term you are comfortable with) hope to gain?

Do they hope that if a Dem takes the WH in 2020 that their POTUS and cabinet is meet with the same scrutiny and distain?

I don't think that's a concern. Up until now, most president's of the last century have filled posts with mostly qualified people. We've had highly unqualified people before, even some administrations with a significant amount like Trump's, but not recently. But, for the most part, I think there's already that kind of scrutiny and disdain. Look back to the SCOTUS nomination and what essentially was just partisan politics.

Do they hope their POTUS is challenged by district judges and those decisions upheld by biased (do not read incorrect) appeals courts?

It's not uncommon. Trump isn't the first president to have a court tell him 'no.' Heck, Obama's last few days in office a Texas judge prevented hundreds of thousands of workers from earning overtime in a fairly biased move.

Do they hope Trump is impeached and his VP becomes POTUS?

No clue

Do they just want "the truth?"

I don't think they car about "the truth." I do think they're looking for — for lack of a better term — equality. Openness, maybe some honesty, probably some responsibility, and a lot less playing politics. Granted, both sides seem to want that when the other side has control.

Do they want celebrities being their spokesmen?

No clue

Do they want government being accountable to media?

No clue, but they should be.

You know who you are. What do you want from all this "vetting"?

Not sure who "you" are, but, for me, the "vetting" is just a show, and I am happy to see it's finally getting exposed for what it is. Trump is going to put up people he feels comfortable with, or people who will support his decisions. That's not abnormal for political appointments. Nor is a majority party pushing through those people, even if they're unqualified and potentially detrimental. What's different now is before most of those appointments could be justified. They looked good on paper. Sure, maybe they were political or personal favors, but at least the people had some qualifications. Now, it's more like, "Hey, this guy over here got in trouble for leaking sensitive information to someone he was cheating on his wife with. Let's give him more sensitive information!" "See this lady? She makes money off for profit schools and has no working knowledge of teaching, education or bureaucracy. We're putting her in charge of the teaching bureaucracy!"

Hopefully, this cluster **** that is this administration will make people want to be involved with local government. And I think, to a degree, that's happening. I've had more young people showing up at political town halls and debates (no, not paid actors, just people trying to figure out what's going on).

personally, I watch it all and think to myself: Be careful what you wish for.

In bold. Cause, you know, I am.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: What is the End Game for the left? - Benton - 02-14-2017, 06:19 PM

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