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Why do we Ciricumsize our kids?
(02-15-2017, 01:55 AM)bfine32 Wrote: just so we don't accuse me of omitting facts and/or trying to misrepresent like you are not doing with your limited use of the bold function.

The bold function is intended to be limited. Like the limited use of the bold function in the article you quoted. Using the bold function on my entire response doesn't really draw your attention to the important part you need to focus on, does it?  This is ridiculous as usual.

Quote:Here's the whole page:

Actually, this is the god damn AAP page . . .

That's the primary source and not a secondary source paraphrasing the primary source. 

Quote:So even though you consider the logic "circular" reasons have been given.

You stated the AAP recommends circumcision. Actually, they recommend it be made available if the parent so chooses based upon their religious, ethical, and cultural beliefs. Basically, you claimed the AAP recommends getting your son circumcised. But, the AAP position is they will do it if you want it done. There is a difference between the actual policy and what you claim. Either you understand and don't care or you're pretending to not understand. It's already a moot point.

You have persistently avoided answering the reasons why a parent would circumcise their son for religious, ethical, or cultural reasons. I understand why. It's pretty damn silly to cut your foreskin off because some Bronze Age, Middle Eastern goat hoarders started doing it a long time ago. Especially when you want to build a wall to prevent modern day, Middle Eastern goat herders from bringing their "savage" customs to the U.S.  

Hair styles can be cultural practice as they differ by culture. So the hair style argument is an example of a cultural practice, but not an explanation of why someone would choose that cultural practice.

Quote:So yours and the OP's question has been answered.

Not in the least. I know the medical reasons behind the AAP's policy better than you. I don't need you to provide me with secondary sources of info as to why the AAP recommends to doctors to provide circumcisions based upon parent's beliefs.

The questions are:

Why would parents choose to circumcise their son based upon a religion?

What ethical belief would lead parents to choose circumcision?

What cultural beliefs would lead parents to choose circumcision and why? 

You could argue the medical information you listed earlier is part of the modern American culture which leads to more parents choosing circumcision. But, Europe has the same modern medical information and yet circumcision isn't as popular. Therefore, there is more to the American cultural preference for circumcision than just the medical information. That's what you're not even coming close to answering.

Quote:So answer the counter question asked (feel free to provide a circular one): Why wouldn't a parent?

Maybe the parents are Catholic and decline for religious reasons. Maybe the parents have witnessed the affects of a botched circumcision or the father wishes he had never been circumcised if given a choice and the parents decline for ethical reasons. Or the parents are European and decline for cultural reasons because the Mum and Dad want him unclipped like dear ol' dad despite knowing a circumcision may reduce the higher than usual number of UTIs a man may get in his lifetime from 1-2 down to 0-1.

Those are reasons. People believe those reasons.  But, why do they believe those reasons?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Why do we Ciricumsize our kids? - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 02-15-2017, 04:19 AM
RE: Why do we Ciricumsize our kids? - xxlt - 02-15-2017, 04:38 AM
RE: Why do we Ciricumsize our kids? - xxlt - 02-15-2017, 12:39 PM

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