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Warming up in the bullpen, number 46...
(02-16-2017, 05:42 PM)xxlt Wrote: Fox is actually quite often factually wrong. Entire books have been written on this subject, btw.

Various Fox commentators are factually wrong about things like police free zones in London and Paris. But their primary effect does not result from dissemination of alternative facts so much as their analytical frame, which emphasizes Republican talking points (Whitelash, untrustworthy MSM; crooked Hillary) and minimizes or excludes other perspectives. Readers are urged to trust Fox for "balance" and all those facts the msm ignores. Rhetorically, they mostly (Rove-style) flip charges leveled at them, insisting the MSM just mirrors Dem talking points, are "biased" and awash in "hypocrisy."

E.g., their big take-away from the JD investigation of the Ferguson riots was that Brown maybe never had his hands up--not that Ferguson police were preying upon residents to increase revenue. Megyn Kelly said "thank god for Fox News" because they had not judged Wilson before the "facts were known."  And they were quick not to judge Zimmerman too quickly as well.

When Cliven Bundy was in a standoff with Federal authorities over failure to pay taxes and armed white militia flooded the area, Fox showed patriots understandably angry at big government. Bundy had his 15 minutes of fame with Sean Hannity. When riots occurred in Ferguson police in MRAPs and body armor, with help from armed white militia, protecting property from "thugs."

Now their radio talk show hosts Rush and Hannity harangue listeners for hours about how Trump has accomplished more than any president in history his first two weeks. The White House chaos reported by the MSM (and obvious to all observers) is all a lie. The accusations against Flynn bubbled up from the Obama's "deep shadow state" still in place in the Federal bureaucracy, including the Intel community. The MSM are totally fake news, liars, all exacting revenge for Hillary's loss etc.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Warming up in the bullpen, number 46... - Dill - 02-16-2017, 06:11 PM

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