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So, in a big nutshell. (aka jump!)
I'm done observing. I will reduce my time here the coming weeks, after all no football, so I leave my synopsis.
First, a rich vain egomaniac who just blurs out nonsense he hears or reads anywhere with an attitude of never-ending self love and borderless self-confidence has a strange fascination for certain people, like a spell. Oh he is smart, he just says stuff that's in his head. And has so much money, so smart.
That just flaming the media with nothing but ignorance towards facts and the truth is a working strategy is part of that.

And the most part of it is? Loyalty to the party color. The absurdest debates are led because the color fits. Liberal tears, yeehah! Snowflakes, oh, are you crying? Hahaaa! Who cares what Trump does or about his priorities or tax returns or whatever. Yes, it's the biggest crowd ever, let's debate that fake news media lie, because look at Obama's the floors weren't white then, so it's an optical illusion, the pictures are fake, the time stamp doesn't match, the angles are all wrong, the metro was filled, the roads were blocked, it was raining, it was not raining because Trump said God made the rain stop, ah whatever, but they showed the liberal media, those fake news liberals... he played them perfectly... oh and Trump doesn't really care about it despite bringing it up 10.000 times. And what ever nonsense. Team Not-Blue! Team Not-Blue! Sorry, but these absurd debates are nearing the regions of pathological craziness. Defending a man's blatant vanity and the completely made up stuff he lets his minions spill out to feed his hunger for greatness. What ridiculous gloating, what absurd claims, what utterly stupid tweets, what devastating character flaws for a president. What worldwide ridicule. What loyal followers. But - he's not a liberal! Everything else is moot.
I have no reason not to believe the blue side is a more noble winner, I wouldn't know. Not blasting one side particularly, but I now know the red side is. The extremes it takes, the absurd lengths people are actually willing to go through, stem from Trump and are shown because of him. That's what's scary. That people stick to him no matter into what depths. His base might actually be loyal into autocracy. After all, still not a liberal!

And for the nutshell part - that turns out to be the biggest mistake your founding fathers made. Intentionally or unintentionally putting the constitution into the rank of eternal and undisputable. And with it the two-party system.

And there's the result. The country has gotten sclerotic. A strict two-party system has turned it into a half that doesn't care anymore - a few disgruntled swing voters (yeahyeah the forgotten worker and the anti-establishment guys) that decide the elections - and two political Americas in strictest opposition. You have a thick, thick border standing there, built through centuries of partisanship, dug free by extremism. It's gotten to color over sanity. No offense, just observation. No one can believe Trump is the uniter or voted for him on that premise. He's the birther. This was mainly an anti-blue vote, like probably always.

The divide is not Obama. It's not Trump. The partisan blame game is pointless. It's the long history of being the yin or the yang. If there weren't these deeply dug-in borders way more people would already agree through all colors and leanings that Trump is a disaster. Because he is and denying that has gotten really dense. He's not that smart, there's no reason to believe that. He's not trustworthy, not a single aspect of his life would allow that assumption. He doesn't surround himself with good people, they seem to be unable to give him basic information. And he's incompetent, a narcissist and a pathological liar. He is not a president. Now he calls the media fake news again and cites a Rush Limbaugh opinion as proof and model. I mean, Jesus Christ people, and it's a daily Jesus Christ people, one lie and self-glorification and pointless assault after the other. And the national security card was already drawn, he sure behaves like a souvereign and his minions are already there to promote authoritarian policies, he complains in his function of POTUS that poor pushing Ivanka can not sell her stuff at Nordstrom anymore. You fine with all that, because, hahahillaryous?

You conservative people need to stay exactly what you are - and jump ship on Trump now. (I promise, if you do it now, I won't make a fuzz and insult everyone on the grounds of his junk size and mother who would dare to be condescending because of it.) That man is not fit for office. You could at least unite as a country for once in that one. Try Pence if you must make that compromise. Just line up against that disaster. I know you won't and no one jumps, but it's too bad really. So sad. 

(But just consider - if you ever had a minute of doubt - the later you jump, the less credit there is. This is offering a jump free from shame card! What will history say if you don't?)

It's hard for me to get. Why there is not a way stronger movement calling for fundamental reform of the political system as of now. Why not everyone calls for that at this point of history, where you've thrown the detonator in anyway. That's the obvious answer, not making more house calls in 2020, stupid democrats. The system brought you divide, deep and obvious trenches, brought you Trump, brought you gerrymandering, brought you blocking and stalemates and policy swings without progress. Your country probably just goes democrats next time and there's that. But it isn't. Your system worked an astonishly long time, but it's worked out now, has reached its final stage of functionality and you need to see it. Or at least credibly deny it.

I would say you need more colors and kill voting districts and majority voting. But that's just one possibility.
In an even smaller nutshell, go Libertarians!
I didn't really mean that. I just want Rotobeast to still love me.

Oh and in the end, as an European I don't personally care, don't demand fundamental changes, give your democracy up in partisan schadenfreude. Just wait, everybody gets there someday! While you diss each other over crowd sizes, business and high finance run the show. Because that's what a democracy becomes when half of the people don't participate. A mere circus for the other half.
Have a nice one.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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So, in a big nutshell. (aka jump!) - hollodero - 02-17-2017, 11:59 PM

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