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So, in a big nutshell. (aka jump!)
(02-18-2017, 03:17 PM)hollodero Wrote: In general you've reached a point where truth, logic and consistency has become leftist ideology.
Hence, as a society and a country you failed and continue failing the intelligence test. No offense, my country does that all the time. I just hope that there are 100.000 people from abroad and with no ties to a certain political agenda (I was called "liberal", which is amazing, as if I would mind about US parties or US labels in the first place) that keep telling you again and again, so finally these voices are heard.

I am also opposed to give the other side the get free of shame card. Many problems are home-made, like media being influenced by interest groups and subjected to the profit motive, and the claim of total moral superiority and thematic leadership and all that. Rigging the nomination against Bernie is a historically awful move. Hillary has her merits for sure, but she was a bad candidate. But the major flaw is not one side or the other, but your system, as I said Trump basically won because it just was time for a red guy again. Talking about flaws, the finger-pointing to the other side is not the solution, the finger-pointing to the two-party system is. But I can make this point over and over, it always ends up with debating Trump vs. liberals.

This is why I like to hear views from outside the USA fishbowl. 

Yes, empirical truth, logical consistency etc., are now evidence of "bias"--even condescension.  The MSM is more frequently guilty of this. Hence "leftist." Despite your very telling point that it is a for-profit media. And I believe you noted on another thread how Amero-centric our MSM is when reporting foreign affairs. The German media, for example, though very guilt-conscious and sensitive, are much better on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Parliamentary system, as unwieldly as it is, produces a better informed public I think, supports a more diverse range of news sources.  

As for the "free of shame card"--the point is not to condemn or exonerate anyone. For me, at least, it is a matter of returning public/political discourse to some kind of accountability and stability.  Saying "both sides are guilty" without breaking down their different logics, tactics, and truth claims just perpetuates the muddle.   
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: So, in a big nutshell. (aka jump!) - Dill - 02-18-2017, 04:15 PM

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