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So, in a big nutshell. (aka jump!)
(02-18-2017, 04:59 PM)hollodero Wrote: Yeah alright, I can get behind that. And Amero-centric, I said something like that and really meant it, but it's not really just me. Only a few people in Europe think CNN is too credible. We felt they blindly fell in line with their patriotic duty during Iraq war times, for example. I guess Americans have a different take on that and that's fine. I merely pointed that out to show that I am not an automatic defender of CNN and other networks as "beacons of truth" that are under such devious presidential attack now.

Well, know that I agree with you on that. The Iraq war is one example. Whenever Israel invades Gaza it's the same. We hear all about Israel's right to protect itself from a population it imprisons. How many times is the U.S. that one critical abstention in UN votes on Palestine?

The healthcare debate shows a similar Amero-centrism. We hear how bad all the "socialists" have it in France and Germany and Sweden. We are so LUCKY with our medical bankruptcies and all.

We had Al Jazeera for a while, which would air segments in which representatives of Hezbollah and Hamas could actually speak for themselves. On top of that, they ran documentaries on poverty in the U.S. and the like--horrors, like we were a 3rd world country!  People hated it. We are the best. And our news organizations (with one or two sterling exceptions) tend to agree.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: So, in a big nutshell. (aka jump!) - Dill - 02-18-2017, 06:50 PM

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