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Milo Yiannopoulos spars with Bill Maher
I can't say that I regularly watch Maher. I usually just check out clips while bored at work. But this Milo guy had me intrigued. I'm not on twitter so I didn't catch that whole thing, but his reputation is hard to tune out 100%. After watching the show, I'm convinced he's just another guy who wouldn't be able to make it as a legit journalist and found a niche group that will listen to him and make him rich. He probably believes about 10% of what he says, but his followers will never see that.

Like Dino alluded to, he's just another name in a long line of people who are probably better suited to be "shock-jock" types of people that foray into the world of politics. Rush Limbaugh, Tomi Lahren, and Ann Coulter are people that yell real loud, get real angry, and appeal to their target groups, and profit. I'd wager that it's at best 25% real them, and 75% smart business decisions.

A similar trend on the left would be the laundry list of comedians who try their hand at political commentary. Hell, look no further than Bill Maher himself. Both these sets of people can hold their own in structured one-on-one interviews, but as soon as you put them in a panel discussion you can see that they're out of their comfort zone. Then they'll just resort to either their tried and true lines, or the old "I'm just a provocateur" "I'm just a comedian" lines.

Unfortunately, there are far too many who would rather get their news from sources that confirm their beliefs like The Daily Show (if you're a far left SJW) or Brietbart (If you're far right, or our president) rather than engage in some critical thinking.

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RE: Milo Yiannopoulos spars with Bill Maher - CKwi88 - 02-19-2017, 12:01 AM

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