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Prayers for the refugee attack in Sweden two nights ago.
I'm going to share this in this thread....sorry Pat...but it has to do with the media and Trump and will tie into this story.

A friend on FB posted the following story:

Feel free to peruse it.  this was my FB response:

Quote:Another attempt to smear all the media with a broad brush.

Do some extreme articles think Trump is next Hitler? (Obama was the last one I heard.) Of course.

But simple reporting what the POTUS says and does is not being biased.

Not kissing his ass is not biased.

As the article rambles on about how BOTH can be awful (press and Trump), it hits its complete non-biased stride(sarcasm) with this paragraph:

--->Of course the American media is terrible. Everybody knows this. Everybody who follows the public debate about guns, taxes, or abortion knows this. Dean Baquet, the executive editor of the New York Times, knows this, which is why he sheepishly acknowledged that the so-called Newspaper of Record and its editors “don’t get religion.” And that is just a little bit of what they don’t get.<---

"Everybody knows."

ESPECIALLY when it comes to right wing issues.

"Everybody knows."

I have been told (repeatedly) that Trump getting elected is the result of those darn Democrats trying to "change" America by giving gays the right to marry and letting transvestites use the bathroom they are dressed for and worrying too much about "globalism" and not enough about 'Murica.

While I admit that a lot of voters still wish this was 1955 I'd like to introduce something too:

The press that Trump is dealing with is a result of the right wing noise machine changing the way we get news. From Limbaugh to the rise of FOX, through Glenn Beck losing his mind to Breitbart "news" has become 22 hours of opinion shows that you can't criticize because they aren't "news".

Sean Hannity has 5 hours on television and 15 on radio to spout every lie he wants (based on the news).

Drudge and Breitbart rewrite headlines to help their readers understand how the left is out to get them.

So much so that when a real story with honest facts is presented it is blown off as "fake news" because it does not fit their narrative.

So the POTUS is now facing what is the inevitable backlash. People who wanted to cover the news the right way have stopped trying to out tabloid FOX and the rest and are reporting what happened. And fact checking. And doing what they SHOULD have been doing all along.

(For further reference please do some research on Saint Ronnie's repeal of the Fairness Doctrine and media ownership limitations. Too much to add to this post.)

We have a duly elected POTUS who says what he hears on television (FOX, btw) and when told it is demonstrably wrong he says "someone told him" or "he heard".

"Alternative facts."

If he believes it can it really be wrong? idiot. Yes it can be wrong.

So let's stop talking about how "bad" the press is. Some of it will always be. And sometimes even the best will make a mistake. That does not mean they are always wrong either. It means they are human.

Let's enjoy and respect a press that is now willing to forgo the almighty rating and dollar if it means actually reporting news and not spouting an opinion just to get someone to watch.

ESPECIALLY if that news disagrees with your predetermined views.

This whole Sweden thing just feeds into that narrative:

Quote:The only reasonable explanation for Trump’s comment, it would seem, is that the president had watched a news segment on Friday night’s Tucker Carlson during which a Swedish documentary filmmaker alleged that migrants were responsible for a crime wave in the Scandinavian country, and that the Swedish government was trying to cover it up. As several reporters have been consistently tracking, Trump’s tweets and public comments often directly correspond to things that Trump watches on television, and the president frequently references how much Fox News he watches. Therefore, Trump probably watched the segment and then conflated it with an actual incident or attack when ad-libbing on Saturday.

The man elected President can't even bother to get a story right from a station he solely watches.

Trump sees a story on FOX (not news) and misinterprets it (Nuance and facts are for the losers) and makes an ass out of himself (his supporters don't care/understand).

Clearly this is the media's fault. (sarcasm).
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: Prayers for the refugee attack in Sweden two nights ago. - GMDino - 02-19-2017, 04:50 PM

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