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I would like to ask the left to give me their position on illegal immigration.
I consider myself somewhere in the middle, but I'll answer anyways. I simply don't think it's that big of an issue, yet gets turned into one by both parties. I think it is used as something politicians can point to on both sides as a platform but in actuality means very little to the majority of the people in the country and their problems. It isn't the reason why many of the unemployed are unemployed, it isn't the reason for the majority of our crime, it isn't the main reason for rising healthcare costs, it isn't the reason we are fighting wars in the middle east, and it isn't the reason for the high racial tensions in the country.

We spend all the time discussing something that really should be a peripheral issue, but it has somehow consumed the country.

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RE: I would like to ask the left to give me their position on illegal immigration. - Au165 - 02-21-2017, 09:46 AM

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