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Hey look, it's a climate change thread!
(02-28-2017, 06:25 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: And I'd love for you to read something to make you less ignorant.  When you read something interesting, maybe post it and we can discuss.  Well, probably not literally you and me but maybe me and other people capable of discussing it.

Otherwise, you continue to show what an ignorant sheeple you are.  I'd love to discuss climate research with you, but I realize before that I'd have to teach you basics of research and statistics and, well, anyone who has read your posts know that's a lost cause.

Seriously, I'm gone for a month for work and vacation and life and this thread died?  I guess the lesson is to be intellectually curious one has to first have a brain.

(02-28-2017, 06:27 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Once again, there's no point in me posting failed studies I've read.  I don't believe in the catastrophic warming theory.  I don't have to prove it doesn't exist (if you actually understand the scientific method, which we've established you don't).

I'm anxious to read studies to the contrary.  I invite you to post them.  We know you will not because you've never read anything on the subject - which, by the way, you've admitted.

Thanks for trolling.

Riddle me this; if there is no point in posting what you have read, what is the point of me posting anything I have read?

Yes, I have admitted I haven't read any climate change studies.  Thus there aren't any studies I have read to post.  Whereas you have claimed to have read actual studies.  Thus there are actual studies you can post.  

For the umpteenth time, I'm not asking you to prove or disprove anything.  I'm just asking you to post the actual studies you claimed to have read so I can read them for myself.  If you were as smart as you claim or knew as much as you claim or weren't trolling, you would understand.  Matter of fact, I know you understand because I don't believe you're as stupid as you pretend despite the charade.

I don't believe or not believe in "the catastrophic warming theory," so what exactly am I an "ignorant sheeple" for believing?  Am I an ignorant sheeple for withholding judgment before making an informed opinion? Or am I an "ignorant sheeple" for giving you the benefit of the doubt you have read the "actual studies" you claim to have read?

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