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Republicans Jamming It Up Your Ass
Republicans are in power. So you better believe there is an assault in progress on lower and middle class Americans.

This one is a mind blowing invasion of privacy.

But what do you expect when you put the ones who fight tooth and nail for big business in power?

Down party lines. Republicans say your genetic testing information and family medical history go to your employer or you can be penalized.

Hmm. Republicans looking out for the working class? Or giving big business a legal intrusion into your private life and something to consider when they are in a mad dash to maximize profits.

Well Timmy is getting old and he does have a family history of cancer and diabetes. If we fire him now that year of unemployment will be a lot less expensive than his potential health issues on our company plan.

Thanks Republicans! Always looking out for the people. In no way could I see this one having negative consequences on the working class.

Holy shit...

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Republicans Jamming It Up Your Ass - NATI BENGALS - 03-11-2017, 12:05 AM

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