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I must be doing something right...
(03-23-2017, 03:24 AM)xxlt Wrote: Labels can be as harmful as they are helpful, and I imagine you know that. As far that "L" brand, there are some really good tenets in the ideology but it seems at the national level that people who were too crazy and extreme for the right wing of the most right wing party we have ever seen in America jumped to the "L" train. This was not a development I was happy to see.

Obviously you may have a different take, but I would be wary of "leaders" in that party, particularly at the national level. Of course, my views align more with people who represent the left wing of our left party, people like Howard Dean and Bernie Sanders (who though an independent has been the most authentically Democratic voice of the last 50 years). Our Democratic Party at the national level has been pulled far right of center so we don't really have a liberal or democratic party at the national level - we have the Republican Party of the 1970's renamed the Democratic Party. The Republican Party at the national level has been flirting with fascism for the better part of the last 30 years. The Libertarian Party at the national level became a hideout for people who thought the Republican Party wasn't right wing enough for the last 30 years. That's the unsolicited view of your half crazy brother from another mother. Wink  Keep reading about Libertarian ideas, as well as the ideas of all great political leaders from Lincoln to Roosevelt to Eisenhower etc. ... and keep talking to people of all stripes. I wish you success on this journey.

Thank you !
I am keeping a close eye on Libertarian leadership.
I've actually friended several on Facebook and I've friended ex-leaders.
I'm finding out why the ex's left and if anything is being done to rectify the offending situation.
There is a bit of turnover and some very good people being burdened by several jobs.
I'm not a dive straight into the pool kind of guy.
I'm more of a squint at the horizon for a week to get a lay of the land, before I saddle my horse kind of guy.
I've also come across some broken financial promises, from the national.
We'll see how that shakes out.

Oh, I'm assuming you meant Republicans were not FINANCIALLY conservative enough and people went to the Libertarian Party.
Because otherwise, we are mostly pro-choice on everything.

A side note:
I've been watching Twitter, particularly Freedom Caucus members.
I'm thinking they may have the right idea.
Run as Republicans, take massive amounts of Republican money, and use those funds/position to promote Libertarian ideals.

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RE: I must be doing something right... - Rotobeast - 03-23-2017, 03:49 AM

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