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I must be doing something right...
(03-24-2017, 11:53 AM)fredtoast Wrote: No. You are not pro-choice. You are only in favor of pro-choice for the people rich and powerful to have choices.

Without government regulation there would be no "choice" for a safe workplace or a clean environment.

Do you think poor people not having access to health care is a "social" or "financial" issue?

Honestly, if I had my druthers, there'd be no partys.
But we know that will never happen.
Other than that, why would I favor rich people ?
I'm not rich.
I'll finish my response within my final entry of this post, as it will cover others comments as well.

(03-24-2017, 12:52 PM)BengalHawk62 Wrote: Good luck to you!

But for us poor souls who do not know Ohio geography very well......where in the world is Coshocton?

Thanks !
Draw a line between Columbus and Canton.
We are pretty much half way between the two.

(03-24-2017, 01:31 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: This is the kind of rhetoric that really just increases divides and does not further any sort of genuine discussion. I would be someone that thinks the libertarian ideology has a level of naivete with those issues, but addressing it in this way is not going to win anyone over. Arguments can be made that the government's hand in the market has corrupted the free market system and that deregulation could cause corruption. That a free market with competition improves efficiency, innovation, and a host of other things, and would improve worker safety on its own because a free market for consumers also means a free market for employees. That it was the government's hand in the market during the industrial revolution that caused the issues we saw.

I'm not buying what they are selling on that, but there is an argument to be made there and so coming at someone with the rhetoric you're using is going to get you absolutely nowhere. Access to healthcare is absolutely a social issue. How that access is ensured is a fiscal one. The sooner we stop looking at things in simplistic terms and recognizing the complexities of the situations, as well as the fact that other people tend to actually have a reasonable, logical reason for their positions, the sooner we can get back to where we were as a country in the years between the Civil War and now, when the ideological divide was not so vast.

You're a good man, Matt.
I mean that.

(03-24-2017, 03:06 PM)xxlt Wrote: Pro Choice: Choose to pollute, choose to oppress, choose to squander resources (like our National Parks), choose to give more to the top 1/10th of a percent and let the rest "choose" to buy fewer i-phones, choose to further empower corporations and march us ever closer to a fascist system... If these are what you mean by pro-choice (and I hope they aren't) you may be their nominee for president next year. I think you are going to find a big gap between broad libertarian thought and what the Libertarian Party are all about. Just keep digging and doing what you are doing.
(03-24-2017, 03:10 PM)xxlt Wrote: Good post from a historical perspective. To put a finer point on not buying what they are selling, what I am hearing is you would not sign on to the L(ibertarian) plan for "fixing" America. Correct?
(03-24-2017, 03:38 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Correct. I disagree with their positions on a great number of things. I just know that there is a whole lot of talking at people going on in the political arena and very few discussions.

For what it's worth, I'm a Minarchist.
I want minimal government, but I know we need a level of oversight.
There are far too many evil people out there to not have something in place.

I am digging into the guts of the party and I've found plenty to question.
Some things seem to only be about money, big surprise.
The tickets to our state conference were waaayy overpriced and this cat wasn't shelling out a dumb amount of money.
Regardless, I have MY ideology, not the exact party platform.
That's the double-edged sword with the party though.
Anyone can have different views, but they generally end up arguing amongst other members.
Unity just doesn't thrive in an environment like that.
It's the closest to how I identify politically though.
I'm continuing to evolve and I think we all do (or at least should).

Fred, bless you.
It was a good try, coming back in here swinging.
But, you know me a bit better than that.
I just let a young lady go for 7 months without paying rent.
Does that fit that picture you painted ?
I even sold some family heirlooms to get by and try let her get on her feet.
It was stupid, as I'll never get my money back, but that's just me.
I'd also sit and drink a beer with any of your clients, just as I have done with people that may be well off or members of the Outlaws MC.
It's never really safe to assume anything about me.
I share a lot here, but not everything.
I am just me.

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RE: I must be doing something right... - Rotobeast - 03-25-2017, 03:36 AM

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