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Gunman At DC Pizza Parlor Was 'Investigating' Right-Wing Conspiracy 'Pizzagate' Lie

March 25, 2017

 Posted with permission from




[Image: Jones-screen-300x164.jpg]

Only after the election and after the damage was done, conservative radio host Alex Jones issued an apology for his site's role in promoting the conspiracy theory which was dubbed as ‘Pizzagate.' That baseless conspiracy theory inspired a man to open fire in the Washington D.C. restaurant last year. Coincidentally (wink wink) the suspect, a North Carolina man, pleaded guilty Friday to charges from an armed encounter in Comet Ping Pong, the very same restaurant which was the target of baseless Internet rumors. Also, right wing sites such as Breitbart ‘News' and Jones' site Infowars are being examined by federal investigators as to whether they played any role last year in a Russian cyber operation that dramatically widened the reach of news stories which favored Trump's campaign.
Just another coincidence with Jones' apology, we're sure. AND, after the suspect's motives were tied to Jones, the right-wing radio host in December began scrubbing Pizzagate content from his site.

Suddenly, Jones finally apologized during his broadcast on Infowars. Jones admitted that Pizzagate  was "based upon what we now believe was an incorrect narrative."

Jones apologized to the restaurant, its employees, and the owner, James Alefantis. "I made comments about Mr. Alefantis that in hindsight I regret, and for which I apologize to him," Jones said. HOWEVER, he pointed the blame to other media outlets and appears to be concerned over the possibility of a lawsuit in the future.

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Jones blamed "third-party accounts of alleged activities" at the restaurant. He went on to say that Infowars was "far from the genesis of this story" and in recent months the site backed away from its reporting and information from other sources, even going as far to remove certain stories from the site. (See above: He scrubbed content without explanation)

"This was an ever-evolving story," he said. Yeah, because Jones and his ilk promoted it.

Here is Jones' full ‘apology':

And by the way, during the Women's March on Washington, my fiancé, and the founder of another site, Counter Current News, went to Comet Ping Pong.
There is no basement there from which the child sex trafficking ring was alleged by conspiracy theorists to have taken place.  What we're saying here is that a basement does not exist there. It's not there, hello?

There is no child sex slavery taking place there but there is some incredibly good pizza.

Mr. Alefantis should sue the hell out of Jones. So should Hillary Clinton and John Podesta. You know that Donald Trump would! The crazy-time conspiracy theory has turned Mr. Alefantis's life upside down. If any of you have been the target of a conspiracy theory on the Internet, you know he should sue the **** out of Jones. I have! Apparently, I have my own cult and order my ‘followers' to kill, but this story isn't about me. Jones' promotion of Pizzagate helped to give national attention to the ‘fake news' he circulated.

While we were at the pizzeria, an anti-gay, pro-Trump, group gathered out front with a microphone to advise everyone to ‘go to the bathroom and look at their genitals.'

Instead, Micah, the founder of Counter Current News, went back inside and bought all us some Comet Ping Pong baseball hats to show support for the restaurant and its employees. I cannot confirm or deny that I've looked at my genitals (more than once) at some point in my lifetime. IDK, it just sounds weird after the bigoted ‘pastor' said that…
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: Gunman At DC Pizza Parlor Was 'Investigating' Right-Wing Conspiracy 'Pizzagate' Lie - GMDino - 03-25-2017, 04:39 PM

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