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Gunman At DC Pizza Parlor Was 'Investigating' Right-Wing Conspiracy 'Pizzagate' Lie
Wait....whut?!? So it's ok to investigate "media", freedom of the press be damned, if those sites are garbage and/or we disagree with what they put out? Either that, or this is just fake news, or at least a gross over generalization of the facts.

Nice tease, though. I doubt anyone reads those sites that wasn't going to vote for Trump, anyway.

But it will be funny if the liberal media does the same thing for Breitbart that it did for Trump.

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RE: Gunman At DC Pizza Parlor Was 'Investigating' Right-Wing Conspiracy 'Pizzagate' Lie - JustWinBaby - 03-25-2017, 10:16 PM

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