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Open-Minded Liberals at it again
(03-27-2017, 02:41 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: In this Huntington beach skirmish there was mob mentality violence. Dude used his Trump flag to beat a guy in the head and multiple sucker punches thrown by Trumpets.

What I've heard, from close sources, is that the Antifa wannabe started the violence by pepper spraying a woman.  Obviously, I wasn't there to confirm, but, also obviously, neither were you.

Quote:Most people march because they support something like womens rights , equal rights , equal pay , etc.. 

Or any of a multitude of other reasons.  Kind of a throwaway point eh?

Quote:What is the point of a make America great again march? To me it seems like for one they are saying my country sucks. Its already great. And two they want to remove everybody not like them. Build a wall deport them all. 

I suppose you'd have to ask the participants.  My guess, based on statements, is that these particular demonstrators were marching to highlight that the anti-Trump side does not hold a monopoly on public discourse. 

Quote:Both sides are guilty of violence. That doesnt mean you can label the entirety of both sides as violent. One side does have an elected leader who on multiple occassions has voiced his support for violence and ran on a divisive platform. 

You started off well here, then veered off into bullshit land.  Both sides are guilty of violence, to be sure.  However, the violence is not equally distributed of late.  The vast majority of the violence has been directed at pro right wing functions.  You cannot shrug this off as inconsequential and hope to be taken seriously.  Trump's rhetoric is absolutely more aggressive than Hillary's was, that doesn't give adults free reign, or an excuse, to respond with violence.  I'll reiterate, you cannot justify a violent response to words.

Quote:So to your question. Yes words can result in violence when a movement preaching violence from the top is spreading a message of hate. Whether it is people threatened by the movement who choose to act out. Or supporters of the movement doing what dear leader told them to.

Again, pure crap.  We're talking about adults.  You are responsible for your own actions and your violent actions are not justified by the words of others.  You're fallacious logic would exculpate the beating of Rodney King, after all, if words justify a violent response how much more justification is provided by a DUI suspect who flees police, endangering countless others in the process?  Quite simply, you can't have it both ways.  If you want to excuse violent reactions to offensive speech than be prepared for far more violent reactions to behavior that physically endangers others.   I've said it a million times, an inconsistent opinion is a worthless opinion, so what is yours?

Messages In This Thread
Open-Minded Liberals at it again - bfine32 - 02-02-2017, 01:49 AM
RE: Open-Minded Liberals at it again - McC - 02-02-2017, 08:04 PM
RE: Open-Minded Liberals at it again - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 03-27-2017, 03:27 AM

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