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IF You Ever Wonder About the Bengals Not Having Any Money
@ThePistons & @masterpanthera_t
Stadiums are not created equal and that revenue is not shared – which is why you see teams moving or places like Green Bay renovating and buying up acres around their stadium to become landlords. They keep all that revenue. And that’s where market comes in. Pure fact is places like Jacksonville or Cincinnati or St. Louis cannot charge the same dollars as L.A., Chicago, Dallas, New England. That’s why there are different “market sizes.”

Now, it is fair to say you have to spend money to make money. There is no smaller market in the NFL than Green Bay. So yes, they went to the taxpayers to pay for renovations. They got it. But they also spent to make Lambeau a year-round tourist attraction. And now they’ve spent to buy up land around the stadium to secure year-long revenue beyond that.

@ShakeNBlake – you might have to refresh my memory on for “excuses” that have been used in my three years on the beat. That’s all I can speak to. See below re: spending on the team.

I don’t think I’ve heard money being an “excuse” for the way the organization is structured, either. Mike has his reasons, but I’ve never heard one of those reasons being financial. And this is all from off record conversations. Now, talking to guys from the 80s and 90s, ya, some of the corners that were cut were ridiculous. But from my POV now, I’m not sure where money is being used as an excuse for anything related to the on-field product.

The Bengals ranked 9th in the NFL in spending over the last five years, per the NFLPA. And trust me, they count every dollar. The Bengals are not cheap when it comes to player salaries, despite the narrative. Every agent I’ve talked to over the years, whether their client has come, gone or stayed, has never used that word with me.
Beat writer for & The Enquirer. Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Periscope.

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RE: IF You Ever Wonder About the Bengals Not Having Any Money - jowczarski - 03-31-2017, 05:56 PM

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