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Schefter with an interesting report...
(04-13-2017, 08:17 AM)SHRacerX Wrote: You are dealing a bit too much in absolutes.  Who would I rather have?  Garrett.  Higher ceiling.  Who got more production?  Barnett.  He just doesn't have the measurables of Garrett.  He's not as "fast twitch".  That doesn't mean I don't like him at all.  He just has a different makeup.  To say no one has production in the SEC and freakish athletic ability would be incorrect as I believe Jordan Willis has both...and a coach that called him "the epitome of our program". 

Except Willis doesn't play in the SEC, he plays in a pretty bad Big 12 conference.

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RE: Schefter with an interesting report... - Au165 - 04-13-2017, 09:15 AM

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