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Trump Is Giving This Country Its Identity Back
(04-19-2017, 06:35 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: So then why not talk about defense spending as a whole? People are clearly trying to make this a "Trump issue" and not a "defense spending"one.

People have talked about defense spending as a whole.  Trump has added $54 billion to Defense spending in his budget proposal.  Tomahawk missiles are a part of defense spending.  Deployments are a part of defense spending.

It clearly is a Trump issue.  For four years, Trump warned Obama to not use force in Syria because it was stupid. Tillerson stated Assad's fate will be determined by the people of Syria on 3/30/17.  Within the week Assad allegedly used chemical weapons against the people Tillerson said would decide Assad's fate and Trump ordered a missile strike which he railed against for four years.  Tha man has more political positions than the Kama Sutra.

This isn't an either or situation as you're trying to make it.  It's both; a Defense spending issue and a Trump issue. It's also a political issue on the international level issue, a strategic issue, and an international law issue.

But, for you, clearly it is a circle your wagons around the ***** Grabber In Chief issue.  (Seeing as you have no idea what "Russian interests" means.)

Quote:Again, the US has been firing Tomahawks for years.

In Syria?  No.

Quote:Why are we not talking about that?

People have been discussing defense spending, deficiet spending, and the national debt for years.  Hell, they've sent forensic accountants to Iraq to try to account for tens of billions of unaccounted dollars which have just gone missing.  You're either unaware of this or pretending to be unaware.  Not sure which is worse.

Quote:Why is it that as soon as Trump does it everyone jumps out of their seats like "Oh my gawd, look at how much it'll cost to replace those Trump missles"

Part of it is his blatant hypocrisy.  A 180 degree shift in policy in less than a week.

Quote:yet there is barely any mention about what the US has already spent on its military before Trump got in office.

LMAO  Un-fuggin-believable.

Quote:We're talking about what Trump cost us instead of talking about what the US as a nation has been costing itself for years.


Yeah, it's not like political parties, wont mention any names (Republican'ts), threatened a government shut down annually over spending and the debt.

Or that Grover Norquist controls the purse strings to re-elections for Republicans with his tax pledge.

Quote:Those 59 Tomahawks don't even compare to what's been spent before Trump got in office. Trump didnt just buy those missles and have them UPS Next Day Aired so that he could fire them at Syria. The money was already spent before he started his campaign to be president.

It's a little drop the Defense budget, but every drop counts.  If we value the cost of the missiles at $80 million, isn't it sad that's only 0.1% of the proposed Defense budget?  Trump didn't even shut down the airfield for a day.  Three crackheads in Atlanta have shut down I-85N for 2-3 months.  

Quote:Do I believe people do have a concern about defense spending? Yes. Do I think people actually care to the point that it really matters? No.

Kinda like how you support the military, but your support is basically limited to writing an empty platitude, "I support military action."  (BTW, supporting "military action" is different that supporting the people conducting the "military action.")  But, even if you wrote you support the military, instead of Trump's military action, do you "actually care to the point it really matters"?  Let me quote you again, "No."

Quote:People care more about what Trump is spending on Syria than actually talking about what we've spent on military through the years and across the globe.

That is completely false.  Military spending has been an issue since we started spending on the military.  Defense spending has received more attention during the past two decades with regards to Iraq and Afghanistan compared to the previous two decades.  You have a really myopic view.

I bet the love child of Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway would sound a lot like this . . .

Quote:"Defense spending" doesn't mean "How much it cost to fire Tomahawks at Syria". Like I've already said, pepole are acting like Trump just bought those cruise missles, but they were already there. The money was already spent.

Now we have to spend money to replace them.  But, don't worry because the replacement costs "don't even compare to what's been spent" per you.  Hell, if Trump cancels his golf trips to Mar-o-Lago during May maybe we won't have to put the missiles on our credit card?

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RE: Trump Is Giving This Country Its Identity Back - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 04-19-2017, 11:56 AM

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