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Trump Is Giving This Country Its Identity Back
(04-19-2017, 03:17 PM)Dill Wrote: So odd the way Trumpsters divorce Trump from any kind of accountability.

Like Trump hate somehow has nothing to do with the man's statements and actions. If his provocation in Korea kills 20,000 Korean allies whose concerns he ignored, then the haters gonna hate, right?  And having nothing else to do they will find something else to criticize, like maybe if Trump scraps the Iran Nuclear deal and Iran too has nukes by next January and China and Russia will no longer work with us on sanctions. People will be angry because Trump is not part of the establishment.

I can understand this somewhat with foreign policy, as I have yet to meet a Trumpster who connects military action with any consequence beyond the moment.

But it is true on domestic front as well.  If Trump deports parents of American children with no criminal record or backs the serial sexual harasser Bill O'Reilly, people complain because they just don't like Trump, not because they really empathize with the victims and reject support of unethical behavior.  If Trump falsely accuses Obama of a wiretapping felony and Susan Rice of breaching national security, the critics are not really upset that the commander in chief of the world's largest intel organization and military publicly displays such unstable judgment. They are upset because he is an "outsider."

If most people went back to eating Doritos and watching movies on the couch, we would not see the continuation of protests months after the election and Democrats running close house races in the redest of states.

I said Trump's not accountable?

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RE: Trump Is Giving This Country Its Identity Back - Matt_Crimson - 04-19-2017, 09:12 PM

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