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Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - document
The country voted for Rep in state govenor races, Congress, Senate, and individual state seats. Did the Russians cause all that?

I read where the Rep's had taken like 1,000 state and federal seats.

Hillary was close to being unelectable.

HRC was basically saying that she was wanting to go to war with Russia and have first strike capability against them. She also said that a cyber attack was reason enough for a military attack against Russia. And now we have learned that the CIA makes their own cyber attacks to look like Russia, China or whoever else. With all that they would have everything they need to put us in a war when ever they choose to (using false flags).  Based off of what HRC was saying publicly, I could see why Russia wouldn't have wanted her to win but I don't think they had any effect on the elections.

HRC would have a rally and nobody would show up. It's not the Russians fault that she is a %$#@ *&^%$.

The old school respectable liberals need to take their party back from these elitist a holes that took it over. Our country needs them to take it back. Both partys have their share of complete idiots and corrupt low lifes, no doubt. The nonsense that is flowing out of Washington and its media these days is like a bunch of lying children.

Tommy Boy makes more sense than they do.

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RE: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - document - tigerseye - 04-20-2017, 01:20 AM

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