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Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - document
Good morning all. I didn't like Trump or Clinton. I wanted Bernie. As was said by many people "which one is the less of two evils". There were million of voters on the fence about who they were going to vote for. Now anyone with half a brain is going to tell me that all those emails the Russians leaked about Clinton and company plus the FBI coming out two weeks before the election saying Clinton was still being investigated (basically implying and promoted by Fox news that Clinton was a criminal, IE, she had to be guilty of something right?), didn't sway many voters is pure Bull S.
Why did Putin want Trump to win so bad? I don't know but I believe if Trump would release his tax returns that would tell us why. What is he hiding?

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Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - document - ballsofsteel - 04-22-2017, 09:22 AM

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