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In Travis County custody case, jury will search for real Alex Jones

Quote:'Be Respectful': Alex Jones Asks For A Safe Space From The Media

Let us all have a sad for conspiracy theorist Alex Jones who requests that the media cover his ongoing child custody battle with his ex-wife in a "respectful and responsible" manner. Jones needs a safe place, apparently. The conservative radio host and his ex-wife, Kelly, are drawing national media attention for the fight over their three children. At the center of the battle is scrutiny over Jones's ability to be a good father to their children considering his past on-the-air remarks.
Oh, and he has so much to apologize for. He recently offered an awful apology for promoting the Pizzagate conspiracy. Because, you know, Hillary Clinton really doesn't run a child sex slave ring in the basement (there is no basement there) of Comet Ping Pong, but the election is over and his candidate won so it's all good now. Before Jones's ‘apology,' he scrubbed Pizzagate content from his site after a complaint tied him to a man who ran into Comet Ping Pong with a gun and fired, terrorizing everyone in the restaurant.

Even though Jones has wrecked the lives of others by promoting trashy and dangerous conspiracy theories, he says his custody battle is a "private matter."

"I urge the press to be respectful and responsible and to show due deference to the process of the law and respect boundaries defined for this case so that a fair result can be found," Jones said in a statement, according to Business Insider. "Above all this is a private matter."

"This is about my family and only my family. I have endeavored very faithfully for three years to keep this circumstance confidential for the sake of my children to protect their innocence."

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[Image: lPIHn0nO_normal.jpg]Oliver Darcy 

Alex Jones releases statement on his ongoing custody trial: “I urge the press to be respectful and responsible"
2:56 PM - 21 Apr 2017

Speaking of children, 20 kids died at Sandy Hook elementary school during the massacre in 2012 which also left 6 teachers dead. Jones repeatedly called the mass shooting a hoax. Donald Trump has said that Jones is "amazing."

During the presidential campaign cycle, Jones's site offered $5,000 for anyone to photobomb local or national TV while wearing a shirt that said "Bill Clinton is a rapist!" or could be heard shouting those words on TV.

In court, Jones's lawyer is to argue that the radio host is simply "playing a character" and that he's a "performance artist."

So, as for that "respect" that Jones wants, we're sorry but we've ran out of ***** to give.

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RE: In Travis County custody case, jury will search for real Alex Jones - GMDino - 04-22-2017, 10:35 AM

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