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Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - document
(04-21-2017, 05:59 PM)Dill Wrote: Why should the factual record create an "illusion" among people who can count and understand percentages?

Clinton won the Majority in New York. Trump won the majority in North Dakota.  So Trump's popularity stretches farther in ND. You think there are people who do not understand this? You believe there are people who think Clinton was more popular in Alabama?

Did Clinton get more votes or did she not? If she got more votes, then she won the popular vote.
Do you agree that she got more votes or do you not?

And if you agree that she did, then what are you really on about? Are you saying people should not say she won the popular vote? What should they say?

The sitting president does not agree that Clinton won the popular vote. The factual record does not support him in this, so he claims that the factual record must be wrong (not in North Dakota and Alabama, just in "liberal bastions"). 3-5 million illegal voters somewhere.

When Trump doesn't like the existing record of facts, he provides alternative facts. If you are a Trump supporter, are you following your leader in this? Are you somehow trying to squeeze a popular win out of the election by pushing the ILLUSION that winning more states means winning the popular vote?


Did Hillary get more votes? Yes. So what am I on about?

People keep using statements like "most Americans" when discussing Hillarys popular vote but saying "most Americans" is a misleading statement and makes Hillary sound insanely popular around the nation when she isnt.

What are people "on about" when they talk about Hillary "crushing" Trump in the popularity vote (which she didnt)?

People aren't just bringing up the popular vote to say Hillary won as if it's just some simple acknowledgement.. They're using it as a basis for California to secede the union because even they know that Hillary won the popular vote because of California. They're challenging Trump's legitimacy as president because they believe "most Americans" again, an illusory statement, want her to be president. They're calling for an end to the electoral college because she won by 2% in the popular vote. 

Is 3 million people a lot? Of course it is, but in the discussion of a nation as a whole it really isn't a "swamping" number. The issue isn't whether or not she won the popular vote. The issue is the silly lambasting and gloating that comes from it because of the way people frame the argument as "most Americans"

Hillary won 48% of the vote. That means the other 52% or "most" Americans didn't want her to be president.

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RE: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank dup plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - document - Matt_Crimson - 04-22-2017, 09:54 PM

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