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GAO Weighs In On “Countering Violent Extremism”
Islamic radical terrorism   proven over and over and over and...        excuses made for over and over and over and...       not talked about by Obama (can't say those words) or reported on by the Main Stream Propaganda Outlets.

Another attempt to confuse the masses from seeing the obvious. (that grass is not green, you Islamaphobe......say what? )

Their leaders admit their long term plans, admit their countless murders, admit their crimes, rejoice in the slaughter of basically anyone and everyone that is not them from almost every country (thousands of incidents). Their instructed to do it.

Responsible grown ups try to keep them out of our country so they don't become a serious problem like they have become in other countries and corporate owned/globalist politicized judges fight to let them in (to be used to acheive their agenda).

Who's the problem?

The people running around the world murdering countless innocent people. (Trucks driven thru crowds, bombs, IEDs, machettes, butcher knives, gernades, gays thrown off buildings, heads cut off, shot, etc......)

Admitting they did it. So they get full credit.

and Tell everyone they are going to continue to do it.

No other group even compares to what these low lifes are doing in the world.

The interesting question is why are organizations and the Main Stream Propaganda Outlets trying to spin and hide the truth from the masses?  What is their end game? Their agenda? Seems they want to help them to get to the U.S.A. For what reason?

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RE: GAO Weighs In On “Countering Violent Extremism” - tigerseye - 04-24-2017, 02:44 AM

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