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How's That Working For Ya Venezuelans?
(04-24-2017, 06:01 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: I think you understand plenty well, it's just that you're Fred, so therefor you must "not understand" while making ridiculous claims about peoples posts that had nothing to do with the original message. It's kind of your bread and butter on the boards.

This thread has to do with gun confiscation happening, and then just a couple years later someone is trying to become the dictator of Venezuela by trying to steal the power of the legislative branch away, and trying to bribe the military into being his lackeys.

I still don't see your point.

I am claiming that the civil unrest in Venevuela has zero to do with any gun laws.  And to support my position I can point to lots of countries with very strict gun laws that are not suffering from an epidemic of violence.  But then again, I can see the real problems instead of trying to project them onto some silly gun control argument that has absolutely nothing to do with it.

You are trying to make a connection where none exists.  The problems in Venezuela would not have been any different right now if there had been some different gun laws.

Messages In This Thread
RE: How's That Working For Ya Venezuelans? - fredtoast - 04-24-2017, 06:16 PM

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