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How's That Working For Ya Venezuelans?
(04-25-2017, 12:46 PM)fredtoast Wrote: What does concealed carry have to do with putting a sign in your front yard.

Thick as pancake batter at times.

Quote:You claim gunowners are afraid to let anyone know they own a gun because it would make them a target for crime.  I post examples of signs gunowners put on their property to advertise the fact that they own a gun.

No, I didn't.  Your habit of deliberate misstatement of the points of others incessantly annoying.  I said almost no gun owner is going to be honest about what, and how many, guns they own to a dude on the phone.  Far more gun owners do not have such signs on their property for the same reason.  Or is your inane assertion that the majority of gun owners display such signs?

Quote:What does any of that have to do with concealed carry.

Again, thick.  The point of concealed carry is that it does not broadcast the fact that you are armed.  Not knowing if a potential victim is armed or not makes a criminal less likely to victimize them.  Broadcasting the fact that you are carrying a gun simply makes you a great candidate to be robbed of your firearm.  The same holds true with your home.  This is not a complicated point.

(04-25-2017, 01:26 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I can't hear the crickets over the crying of a bunch of gunowners over NOTHING happening.

How do you know nothing happened as a result of this list being published?  Are you defending such publication?

Quote:But this is a perfect example of how the people brainwashed by the NRA think.

Typical tactic on your part, anyone who disagrees with you is brainwashed by the NRA, the Fox "echo chamber", right wing talking heads, etc.  You're pathetically predictable.  It saddens me that your two sock puppets eat up everything you shovel out. 

Quote:They take the fact that nothing happened as proof that something is going to happen.  How many gunowners have had terrible things happen to them because they put up a sign letting everyone know they own a gun?  That has been going on for a whille, so what is the worst that has happened so far?

Who knows?  Are you saying you have definitive evidence to prove your point or are you pulling statements out of your posterior?

Quote:Again I ask, if it is so terrible for anyone to know you own a gun why do so many gunowners buy signs to post so that EVERYONE KNOWS THEY OWN A GUN?

Calm down Captain CapsLock.  I don't know a single gun owner that does, and I know hundreds.  Do you have numbers on how many gun owners have such signs on their lawn?  If so, please enlighten us brainwashed denizens of the echo chamber.

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RE: How's That Working For Ya Venezuelans? - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 04-25-2017, 06:23 PM

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