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With Merkel's Foes in Disarray, Germany Defies the Trump Trend
(04-25-2017, 06:16 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Just curious, but where did you hear this BS story about "the left supporting Islam".

Outside of Bill Maher I have never seen a left leaning person condemn the tenants of islam and how it is practiced by a large percentage of its adherents.  Watch the YouTube footage of Sam Harris on Politically Incorrect with Ben Affleck.  Affleck looks like he's going to have a rage aneurism when Harris points out how toxic much of the teachings of islam are.  Additionally, watch another episode in which Mos Def displays profound ignorance in response to fellow guests Christopher Hitchens (who I miss on an almost daily basis) and Salman Rushdie, a man who has directly suffered due to islam's teachings.

Quote:It is completely false.  their is no evidence to support it, and the only place I have heard talking points like that are on right-wing broadcasts like Fox News.

I'll try, likely in vain, to lay this out rationally for you.  First of all, radical islamists account for a significant percentage of islam's adherents.  As I stated before, which you conveniently ignored, the Westboro Baptists Church people get significant media coverage.  Yet they represent in infinitesimal fraction of Christians and have never engaged in violence.  Outside of radical, violent islamists, you have a much larger percentage of adherents who actively believe in values completely at odds with western values.

Here's a poll taken by the ultra right wing BBC on muslims in the UK.

Here's some interesting tidbits.

Quote:Among the poll results were relatively high levels of disapproval for homosexuality, with 52 percent of respondents saying it should be illegal and 47 percent saying gay people should not work as teachers. On the issue of women’s rights, 39 percent agreed with the statement “wives should always obey their husbands.”

About one-third of respondents said they would tell the police if they knew someone who was getting involved with supporting terrorism in Syria. The same proportion refused to condemn people who take part in violence against those who mock the Prophet Muhammad. Almost one quarter said they favored replacing the British legal system with Islamic law.

These responses are from muslims living in a very liberal country.  Logic might suggest that the percentages would be even more disturbing in countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran or Syria. 

Also from the same survey, this time reported from that right wing rag The Guardian.

Quote:Two-thirds (66%) said they completely condemned people who took part in stoning adulterers

Meaning a full 1/3 of muslims in the UK (via the poll numbers) support stoning an adulteress woman to death!  You don't think this is a problem?  Have you ever heard this addressed by a left leaning celebrity or politician?  Again, I'd point out that this poll was done in the UK, and again point out that only a fool would think the numbers wouldn't be higher in muslim majority countries.

Quote:So where did you come up with that comment?  There has been nothing in the news about democrats converting to Islam.
Derp statement of the day.  Never made that claim.

Quote:there has been nothing in the news about Democrats supporting any of the objectionable tenants of Islam.
Doesn't the left preach that silence in the face of the unspeakable equals tacit consent?  Did I not see all the anti-Trump rallies?  Did I miss the protests against doctors in Michigan engaging in female circumcision?  Did I miss the huge rallies condemning the near constant rain of unspeakable terror going on in Iraq and Syria?  Remember silence in the face of evil is tacit consent.

Quote:The entire story was a creation of the right wing media.  So it is amazing to me that you would come up with the same false story all by yourself.

Yup, I made this up whole cloth.  Like I said, I must have missed all those protests against radical islam, and the horribly standard islamic values of treating women like chattel and condemning homosexuals.  Keep digging that hole Fred.

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RE: With Merkel's Foes in Disarray, Germany Defies the Trump Trend - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 04-25-2017, 06:45 PM

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