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With Merkel's Foes in Disarray, Germany Defies the Trump Trend
(04-26-2017, 09:04 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Do you realize that you just posted a clip of a person from the left REJECTING all of the objectionable tenants of Islam.  When Mahr and Harris mention any of the bad tenants of Islam they are rejected.

Are you referring to Affleck?  If so then you didn't watch the same clip as me.  He was tripping over himself to excuse and exculpate the excesses of the religion or denying them altogether.  I see I was right in my comparison.

Quote:You are proving my point.  It will be impossible for you to post a clip of anyone from the left supporting the objectionable tenants of Islam. That is just a lie created by the right wing echo chamber.

Hahaha, I've addressed this ad naseum.  Find me a left leaning celebrity or politician who calls islam out for its daily excesses.  Find me one who clamors for the rights of women and homosexuals in the muslim world.  You'll find huge anti-Trump rallies due to his supposed misogyny.  I can't recall the same type of rally being held due to the daily misogyny of islam.  Trump may "grab them by the *****", in the muslim world they get acid thrown in their face or stoned to death.  I know which conduct I find more reprehensible.  Yet they don't seem to get the same attention, why?

Quote:And again I ask you what the option other than supporting Muslims freedom of religion.  If supporting freedom of religion for Muslims is wrong then what is the right thing to do?  If you criticize then you should provide an answer. How exactly should we be opposing Islam in the United States?  Close down all the mosques?  Make islam illegal?

Please find me one statement by me that stated islam should be banned in the United States.  Just one.  You've made this false flag claim several times, back it up or shelve it completely because it's getting old.  What I did say, multiple times, is that it is time to universally acknowledge the deeply flawed teachings of the faith and how they are acted upon daily by millions of people.  The left is terrified of criticizing anyone who isn't a white heterosexual male.  In so doing they give daily tacit approval to horrific acts of barbarism committed under the approving umbrella of a religion.  Wrong is wrong, condemn the treatment of women in islamic countries and do it with something close to the same fervor you reserve for Trump's defunding Planned Parenthood.  Condemn the horrific treatment of homosexuals in islamic countries.  People lost their shit over the report of gay concentration camps in Chechnya and rightfully so.  However, similar horrific acts occur on a daily basis in majority islam countries.

I get it, you don't have a problem with large percentages of a religion's adherents thinking it is ok to stone an adulteress woman.  Even in a liberal secular democracy.  You don't care about it so much you completely avoided even attempting to address it.  

(04-26-2017, 09:52 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: I don't think the left necessarily supports radical islam, but the constant deflection definitely doesn't help.

It's not deflection, it's turning a blind eye to it.  The only excesses the left is comfortable addressing is that of the West.  It's moral cowardice at level red.  There's a reason that former friends are now enemies for me and vice versa; because I call out bullshit and wrongdoing regardless of who engages in it.  I have no partisan agenda, wrong is wrong.  Sadly, there doesn't seem to be enough of that around here.  There are a few, Belsnickel, Bpat, Hollodero, 'Zona (if I missed you I apologize).  Too many others are married to their agendas to the point where any criticism of something that falls within it is met with fierce counter attack rather than reasoned introspection.

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RE: With Merkel's Foes in Disarray, Germany Defies the Trump Trend - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 04-26-2017, 11:17 AM

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