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With Merkel's Foes in Disarray, Germany Defies the Trump Trend
(04-27-2017, 02:07 PM)masterpanthera_t Wrote: However, to have this nuanced policy approach and discussion, we must be able to speak freely and fearlessly based on an understanding of facts, which doesn't occur when the "left" is defensive of the "minority" to the point that frank discussion of such policy implications and the basis upon which they're reached never even sees the light of day.

This is total BS.  This discussion has been had all across the country.  It has been all over the news.  How can you claim this discussion has "not even seen the lioght of day".

And here is what it boils down to.  A certain group wants to treat Muslims differently than other religious groups.  They want them subject to registration and public surveillance that would not be allowed on other religions.  You want to violate their right to wroship freely despite the fact that they are breaking absolutely no laws of our country.

Every religious person places his religious beliefs above the "law of man", and every religious person who breaks the "law of the land" should be punished.  But we have millions of Muslims living peacefully in this country.  They should not have their rights violated because of their religious beliefs.

Should every Christian who objected to gay marriage based on religious beliefs be subject to registration and heightened surveillance?

Acting like any discussion has been silenced is disingenuous.  The discussion has been had and not one person from the left supported the objectionable aspects of radical Islam.  The only thing the left objected to was violating the rights of millions of law abiding Muslims living peacefully in this country.  You are free to discuss all of the nest elements of Islam that you want.  No one will object to that.  But you will get plenty of protest when you try to violate the rights of innocent people who do not live or abide by those principles.

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RE: With Merkel's Foes in Disarray, Germany Defies the Trump Trend - fredtoast - 04-27-2017, 04:16 PM

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