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With Merkel's Foes in Disarray, Germany Defies the Trump Trend
(04-27-2017, 01:56 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Sure, don't use celebrities as the standard.  Kindly point out the non-celebrity outrage over islam's daily outrages to complete your point.

"Outrage over outrages" is best left to the celebrity culture which apparently grounds your understanding of Islam.

In virtually every Muslim country there is a battle going on within/among Muslims over women’s rights. They are supported by leftist (no scare quotes) and liberal organizations in the U.S., Great Britain, Germany, and France. Change, not expressing outrage, is the goal.

Back in 1999, liberal philosopher Susan Moller Orkin wrote an essay arguing that multiculturalism could be bad for women. Laws originally intended to protect native American customs, when applied to some Muslim groups in the US, would allow child marriage, polygamy, and female genital mutilation on religious grounds. The essay fronts a collection of responses from other liberals and leftists (no scare quotes, real leftists) some of whom agree and some who disagree with her framing of the problem. One can find the book on Amazon.

I mention that particular book, with many respondents, to indicate how even before 9/11 this was an issue for legal scholars and philosophers and feminists in the US.

One of the respondents is Aziza Y. al-Hibri,
a Muslim and a legal scholar of Muslim jurisprudence, president of an organization called KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights, which advocates for women’s rights in Muslim countries. Here is a link to their website,

From there you can find a link to Al-Jazeerah, currently running a story on how a women’s rights group in Jordan is on the verge of abolishing a law protecting rapists who marry their victims.   There is also this great article on Jordanian women learning martial arts.

I just put a link to the Turkish Muslim group Violence Is not Our Culture in the post to Belsnickel above.

A host of international organizations are also focused womens and human rights issues in Muslim countries--Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women takes up these issues as well, getting flack from both Christian and Muslim countries.

I can go on with lists of books and conferences and forums in which these matters are debated, largely under the radar of the celebrity/youtube crowd.  This link is to Looking for that Other Face, by Frank van Lierde, a book in PDF form which tells the story of 6 Indonesian Muslim women who have organized to challenge Islamism in their region. It was financed by Dutch leftists and liberals in an organization called Human Security Collective. 

Egypt has a number of Arab language sites challenging patriarchal orthodoxy there, but here is one in English And feminist challenges are news reported frequently on sites like Middle East Eye, This British based news organization helps to publicize progressive Muslim activism and helps link efforts in Middle Easter countries to supporters in the US.

There may be "silence" about Muslim "outrages" in some Western internet forums and talk shows, where we are told "the left" supposedly "turns a blind eye to daily outrages." But the din has been very loud in leftist (no scare quotes) organizations and websites. And not just recently.

Muslims for Progressive Values has articles and arguments and disucssions of Sharia for gay Muslims

I close with an interesting mainstream source about Muslim women who must combat BOTH Muslim misogyny AND Islamophobia--
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: With Merkel's Foes in Disarray, Germany Defies the Trump Trend - Dill - 04-27-2017, 11:46 PM

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