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With Merkel's Foes in Disarray, Germany Defies the Trump Trend
(04-28-2017, 12:00 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I could go on, but I think the point is made.  Of course there are muslims fighting against the daily evils committed in the name of their religion.  Here's a telling question, has anyone ever heard of any of these prior to your post?  Why do you think this is?  I'm sure your answer is that positive stories on muslims don't get published.  I'd counter that perhaps these stories detail such a minority viewpoint that it takes some real effort to find them.  If that is the case, why?

I am not sure altogether what your point is. Some of those links are intended to show believing Muslims challenging religious interpretations and misogyny. They don't understand themselves to be challenging Islam because they don't think Misogyny is essential to Islam.  My point is they are not blind to practices that liberals find abhorrent. They are working to change them, often at great risk, and with some success.

But has anyone ever heard of any of these prior to my post?  Of course. Millions. The Americans Al Hibri and Orkin do appear in the news and on talk shows on occasion.

I believe I mentioned in an earlier post, perhaps to Masterp, that the rebuttal of the "leftists are blind to . . ." position will be subject to the objection these people, orgainzations etc. must be small in number.  One can only squeeze so much evidence in a post. I chose sources that tended to be interlinked with organizations and news outlets to convey they were news to larger audiences--elsewhere if not in the US.

You imply there would more press if the numbers were larger.  I would say that we live in a media environment in which  there is some variety, if one is willing to work for it, but most are not.   Many have not heard of the people and organizations above because they are not on Bill Maher and Talk shows, certainly not on fox. They do appear in left wing news sources like Altnet, Mother Jones, the Progressive, and the Nation.  Who one hears about depends, in part, on one's news sources.  If you lived in Egypt or Jordan or Qatar you would also hear much about them.

So in a sense you are right that it takes effort to find them, but that is not because we are dealing with an uninfluential minority. It is because for Americans the subject is specialized in a way that it is not in the Middle East, where feminist (male and female) challenges to patriarchy are daily news. To scholars of Islam and the Middle East, my list would seem skimpy, overlooking some more obvious choices.

The CNN article was intended to show also the fear felt by Muslim women in the US--fear not of horrible Islamists, but of ordinary Americans who are sure Muslims are a danger to the nation.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: With Merkel's Foes in Disarray, Germany Defies the Trump Trend - Dill - 04-28-2017, 01:47 AM

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