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With Merkel's Foes in Disarray, Germany Defies the Trump Trend
(04-30-2017, 01:22 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You have issues with his "arrogance" and "lack of knowledge" but can't address the points you disagree with?

Oh man, do you know how badly your damaging your argument with this point?  Essentially you're comparing the behavior of many muslims today to jews from 2,000 years ago.  2,000 years ago, when slavery was the norm, wholesale slaughter and subjugation were acceptable.  So, do we need to wait a further 2,000 years for muslims to stop blowing themselves up, treating women like chattel, raping and disfiguring women and executing homosexuals? 

I appreciate your copy pasting this for us but I've addressed why it actually damages the point your trying to make.

More copypasta with no source link.  Why is that?  I suspect it's because the link is to a suspect source.  Or maybe you're trying to pass these words off as your own?  You know who completely disagrees with the author of the words you posted here?  The terrorists themselves.

I am addressing Harris' points by showing how religious beliefs are dependent upon social and historical context. What you call "copypasta" demonstrates the kind of knowledge he lacks.

You asked why Jews had been so well behaved over the last one thousand years. I explained to you that they were rather fanatical and an administrative problem for the Romans when they had their own state. But when parceled out into communities where they were the minority, their behavior eventually changed. Dependent upon the toleration of others for survival, they became more tolerant themselves. I alluded to a similar process which occurred among European Christians.  

Nothing in your response indicates you understood this point, and how it related to Abramhic religions in general. You might have asked whether Muslims have responded similarly to Jews and Christians when in the minority and dependent upon the tolerance of others.  Instead you speak of "waiting" for Islam to change, as if my point had something to do with time or developments wholly internal to a religious tradition. Bill Maher frequently dismisses historical comparisons demanding to know "why they aren't doing it now?" Once you had similarly dismissed my argument before you actually read it, you thought historical examples which secure my point only made it worse. Ok to go back a thousand years to make your point, but not two thousand to make mine. Cut off point decided by whom?

And you continue to treat Islam as a monolith, defined by behaviors which have emerged comparatively recently among fringe groups.
"The terrorists themselves" disagree with me, you claim--like that's not a good thing.

Then all the talk of "copypasta" and suspect sources. I assume everyone knows of the Crusades, Russian Pogroms, and the Holocaust. But you needed links? I provided two to  Kito's War because I doubted many had heard of it.  I have a hard copy of Josephus' The Jewish War. It is probably online though. It would be odd for someone to make up stuff about the first Jewish war and then attribute it to Josephus; I had already spent enough time on that post and so didn't look for a link. But if you don't trust something  I can probably get you a link.

Finally, you find it "blatantly obvious" that my own words are not my own, yet can't seem to specify any ground of suspicion.  Lot's of history there? Long post? I made up the claim that 1st Crusade began with the massacre of Jews? I didn't link to a Youtube video and say "what this guy says is what I think"? What? The answer is--nothing. Wherever would one find a "suspect source" with all the ready made, synthesized elements of ancient, medieval and modern history to respond to your post?

So the accusation remains an impression; and something you apparently need to believe.   At the risk of again spinning off on a side issue, I 'll ask--Why is denial of my authorship so important to you? 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: With Merkel's Foes in Disarray, Germany Defies the Trump Trend - Dill - 05-01-2017, 03:15 AM

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