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Update on the shooting at the recruitment centers
(08-04-2015, 12:57 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Good work at posting the same link again. So we can agree that your assumption in the OP that Allen West is the only person to suggest this is being contemplated is incorrect. It is also being referenced by the former Secretary of the Navy. can't read.  

(08-03-2015, 09:28 AM)GMDino Wrote: I couldn't find the old post about it, and really this is more about the insane amount of paranoia that is out there right now and how it gets fed by the internet.

I read a story yesterday that said that Lt Cmdr. Timothy White, who allegedly used his personal firearm to shoot back and the the shooter was definitely facing charges.

I. Was. Dumbfounded.

This would only make sense in the world of the military where there are rules and you will follow them!  But even THEN I couldn't understand it.

So I started tracing the story back and the only places I found it were on right wing "new" sites and blogs.

And they ALL referenced one place:  Allen West's page.  Where he wrote this:


Page after page of google hits are being fed by one guy posting that he got one text from...somebody.

And when I took the time to point that out on one site people wanted to know where I got that from the story.  So I posted the direct quote from the story they had "read".

Its fascinating and frightening how fast this kind of thing can spread and how many people are ready to take up arms to "defend their country" from "THEM"...whoever "THEY" are.

And he MAY be right.  this MIGHT be a true story...but the mad rush to be first has led to an anonymous tweet being the main source for a story that had spread around the country and accepted as the god's truth.

And this is just one example.  We've all seen Onion stories that were taken as truth and we all get emails from our crazy political friends telling us how the guberment is coming for us.  Doesn't matter whether you are on the right or the left it happens.

We all need to take a deep breath and clear our heads or something really bad may happen.  For real.  Not just in the minds of the paranoid.

None of the stories referenced cited Webb.

So while Webb mentioned it too (later) that was not the gist of this post, but rather how one person says it and the internet runs with it as gospel truth.  the fact that someone else also said it later (and was wrong too) has no bearing on the point of the post.  None.

But you knew that.

You just have been proven wrong so many times over the past few fays you're like a boxer who should have stayed on the stool but comes out swinging wildly hoping to hit stay in the fight.

Rock On
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: Update on the shooting at the recruitment centers - GMDino - 08-04-2015, 09:05 AM

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