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Wall Street wants to party like it's 2007
(05-15-2017, 02:30 PM)Millhouse Wrote: The 'protections' added after housing market crashed were nothing short of a few small bandaids on a major wound. For whatever the reasons were, no one on Wall Street outside of some investor in Florida went to prison for defrauding the public and causing the loss of over 5 trillion dollars. I know Senator Levin (D) blasted companies like Goldman Sachs in 2010 in senate hearings, but little came of it. In return, they got bailed out with taxpayer money and went along with their merry lives living in luxury, while millions lost homes, pensions, jobs etc.

In other words, not enough was done to prevent the system to fail again. 'Wall Street' will figure out ways to defraud the public by changing up names, legal language, etc. to still maximize their profits while misleading the consumer. And the funny thing is, some people think that Republicans are the only friends to Wall Street. They probably are friends as I am assuming trump is, but it is very true that the Clintons were very good friends with Goldman Sachs for example, and Obama as well, though not to Bill & Hillary's extent.

When the system fails again, it will be because primarily of those major Wall St. companies first off, while Democrats & Republicans both failed to prevent it.

Spot on. Corruption is the word, and it's certainly not a partisan issue. The greed and quest for power knows no political boundary or ideology. Those with the power and money certainly have the resources, not to mention 'desire' to perpetuate the 'us versus them' distractions while they line their pockets and build their empire(s). And we continue to fail in selecting representatives to challenge and curtail such activity. 
Some say you can place your ear next to his, and hear the ocean ....

[Image: 6QSgU8D.gif?1]

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RE: Wall Street wants to party like it's 2007 - wildcats forever - 05-15-2017, 02:41 PM

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