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WAPO: Trump shared highly classified intel to Russians in Oval Office
The Chaos in the WH is being overblown/manufactured by the Main Stream Propaganda Outlets, the unhinged bordering on crazy left, the war mongering neo-cons and the globalists. They all wanted a Presidential race between HRC v. Jeb Bush. That way they own the President and it doesn't matter who wins. But it didn't happen and thats why they are all pissing themselves.

The one thing that makes me believe Trump isn't a globalist puppet is because the establishment has lost it.

Why don't we support the guy now that he is President and see what he can get done. 

Everything the guy does is being touted as an impeachable event.

The swamp creatures are s@#$ing themselves over everything. That to me seems like a good sign that they are afraid of what he is going to do.

Our country is in trouble (Big Time) and Trump didn't make it that way.

We have had about 30 years of globalist Presidents who have sold us out.

Why don't we back him up and see what he can get done.

God Bless America.

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RE: WAPO: Trump shared highly classified intel to Russians in Oval Office - tigerseye - 05-17-2017, 03:57 AM

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