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The Trump Road Tour--Arabia, Israel, Europe
Interesting to compare various Arab media takes on Trump. Aljazeera has not forgotten the Muslim ban in this speech-prep piece, and includes a picture of a US mosque burned down after the ban was announced.

During his campaign, Trump floated the idea of putting mosques in the US under surveillance while calling for a  "total shutdown"  of Muslims entering the US "until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on".

His words shocked many Americans, with Trump's detractors noting that the US Constitution prohibits religious discrimination.

"I think Islam hates us. There is a tremendous hatred there. We have to get to the bottom of it," Trump said in a March 2016 interview with CNN

The Saudi Asharq seems rather bland in comparison.

They hailed the announcement of the intention to form the strategic Middle East alliance in the city of Riyadh. A number of countries will take part in it in order to achieve regional and global peace and security.

The leaders hailed the efforts of Arab and Islamic countries in facing terrorism and the exchange of information among them over foreign fighters and their operations in terror organizations. They also expressed their satisfaction with working with the legitimate Yemeni government and the Arab coalition fighting terrorist groups seeking political vacuum in the country.

The gatherers welcomed the readiness of a number of Islamic countries to join the Islamic Military Coalition to Combat Terrorism in order to provide a reserve of 34,000 soldiers to back the counter-terrorism operations in Iraq and Syria if needed, said the Riyadh Declaration.

They praised the deal that was addressed during the Riyadh summits over the weekend that tackled cutting the financing of terrorism and the establishment of a center dedicated to this purpose. The center will be based in Riyadh.

The  UK's The Independent didn't pull any punches.

So after inventing “fake news”, America’s crazed President on Sunday gave the world’s Muslims a fake speech. Donald Trump said he was not in Saudi Arabia to “lecture” – but then told the world’s Islamic preachers what to say, condemned “Islamist terrorism” as if violence was a solely Muslim phenomenon and then announced like an Old Testament prophet that he was in “a battle between good and evil”. There were no words of compassion, none of mercy, absolutely not a word of apology for his racist, anti-Muslim speeches of last year. 

Even more incredibly, he blamed Iran – rather than Isis – for “fuelling sectarian violence”, pitied the Iranian people for their “despair” a day after they had freely elected a liberal reformer as their president, and demanded the further isolation of the largest Shiite country in the Middle East. The regime responsible for “so much instability” is Iran. The Shiite Hezbollah were condemned. So were the Shiite Yemenis. Trump’s Sunni Saudi hosts glowed with warmth at such wisdom.
And this was billed by CNN as a “reset” speech with the Muslim world.

Muslims in places like Iraq and Afghanistan seem divided over the speech--hopeful that maybe something will be done to effectively combat terrorism but confused this Muslim "reset" is coming from the guy who wants to ban Muslims and fight "radical ISLAMIC terrorism."  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: The Trump Road Tour--Arabia, Israel, Europe - Dill - 05-21-2017, 05:21 PM

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