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If only there had been more good guys with guns
(05-31-2017, 10:26 AM)xxlt Wrote: There's clearly no point in discussing this further with you. As you indicated in this post and post 49, your psychic powers have already told you everything you need to know about me. You've essentially called me a liar and an idiot, while stating my "real" positions since you know the "real" truth about all of "us." And again, you're the guy who cries about being painted with a broad brush. Charming.

I now realize extending this discussion with you has only served to keep you from worshiping at the gun altar for a few extra minutes each day and cut you to the core because someone has dared to tug at the curtain concealing the men who promote the big lie about guns. For this I apologize. And you know what, it is clear to me that you belong at that altar like an eagle belongs on a dollar. Pay no attention to the men behind the curtain. And pay no attention to me, or to anyone else. You know what all of "us" are really up to! I won't distract you from the altar again. Fire away.

This is a very odd, and angry response to what I thought was a civil conversation.  You constantly berate me for my "worship" of guns yet you have advanced no gun control laws or ideas that you think would have an impact on gun related crime.  You also completely ignored the list of inane CA gun laws I listed, at your request btw, and how they impact law abiding gun owners, and only law abiding gun owners.  if, by this post, you are indicating that you have no ability to engage in further rational discussion on this topic, or to answer the questions I have put to you, than I cordially bid you good day.

Messages In This Thread
RE: If only there had been more good guys with guns - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-03-2017, 11:35 AM

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