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House Majority Whip shot at congressional baseball field
Not a shock honestly.

Every one of our intelligence agencies said Russia interferred. The goal was to help Trump.

Trump fires the guy investigating him.
Our head law enforcement figure knows nothing.
Trump has a dictator-like ass kiss fest broadcast on tv.
A "leaker" was thrown in jail for releasing more information to the public about how deep the election hacking went.

From the party that gave us bush-cheney wmd's and kbr we now have a guy with more russian ties than political experience who lies every time he speaks to us.

Half the country is on edge. And most people didnt vote for him.

He could talk like a respectable adult and win some people over. Or tweet like a clown and contradict the words coming from everbody else on his staff. He chose the later.

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RE: House Majority Whip shot at congressional baseball field - NATI BENGALS - 06-14-2017, 11:09 PM

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